
Week of March 30 - April 3

Schedule for the Week:

Monday, 3oth: Music
Tuesday, 31st: Art
Wednesday, 1st: Library & P.E. - Please remember to bring your library books back!!!
Thursday, 2nd: Music
Friday, 3rd: Art & Character Assembly

Letter of the Week: U u

Star of the Week: Tsione!

Sight Word Being Introduced: and

Word Family Being Introduced: -id (words such as: Sid, bid, did, kid...)

A couple reminders:
Parents, please remind your child to pack a snack each day for snack-time. There have been a lot of students forgetting lately and we are starting to run out of "extra" snacks. Also, if you could please send in a box of your child's favorite snack, in case they do forget, then I will have a snack for them.
Also, with the weather being so unpredictable lately, please be sure to continue sending winter/spring gear to school because the students will continue to go outside for recess unless it is raining.

Thanks so much and let's have a great week!!


Week of March 23-27

I hope you had a wonderful "Spring Break!"

Schedule for the Week:

Monday, March 23rd: Art
Tuesday, March 24th: P.E.
Wednesday, March 25th: Library & Music
Thursday, March 26th: Art
Friday, March 27th: Computer & P.E.

Letter of the Week: W w

Star of the Week!: Kennedy

Sight Word Being Introduced: this

Word Family Being Introduced: -ig (words such as: pig, fig, dig...)


Lowry Nature Center

Maple Syruping is a great way to learn more about the natural process a tree goes through to produce the sweet sauce that many of us associate with making our pancakes and waffles extra tasty.
On, Wednesday, we had the privledge of having a Naturalist escort us through the woods to find a Maple tree and tap it.
To see more of what we were doing, please check out the story and video at Kare11.com


Sledding Party

Each year we try to organize a sledding party with our 4th grade buddies. We were wanting to have the party before the holiday break, but the outdoor temperatures just would not cooperate. Luckily, we had one last snow storm the first couple of days of March, so we were quick to take advantage of the mild temperatures and the fresh snowfall.

Valentine's Day Party Pictures

Valentine's Day is a day filled with red and pink colors, hearts, candy and the idea of "love."

In Kindergarten we celebrated with games, crafts, cookies
and the giving of Valentine's to our friends.


Tomorrow's Field Trip!

Hello Parents/Guardians!
I just wanted to let you know that we are still planning, as scheduled, to go to the Lowry Nature Center tomorrow. Please be sure to dress your child for the weather as it will be snowy and cold. We will be planning on spending a little bit of time outside (not as much as originally planned because of how cold it is suppose to be), so the students will want to be sure to wear warm mittens, hats, jackets, snowpants and boots to school tomorrow!
Thank you!
~ Mrs. Koepp

Week of March 9-13

****Please note that our Library day will be on Thursday this week instead of Wednesday, due to our field trip being Wednesday morning****

Monday, 9th: P.E.
Tuesday, 10th: Music
Wednesday, 11th: Field Trip to the Lowry Nature Center 9-11:30am (We will be eating lunch at school) and Art will be in the afternoon
Thursday, 12th: Library & P.E.
Friday, 13th: Our last Adventures in Art, Computer & Music

Letter of the Week: I i

Star of the week!: Cody

Sight Word being introduced: be

Word Family being Introduced: -in


Week of March 2-6

Schedule for the Week:

Monday, 2nd: Music and Celebration of Santi and Bella's Birthdays! Sledding Party with 4th Grade Buddies!
Tuesday, 3rd: Art
Wednesday, 4th: Library & P.E.
Thursday, 5th: Music
Friday, 6th: Computer, Adventures in Art & Art. Celebration of Dylan's Birthday!

Letter of the Week: K k

Star of the Week: Jayna

Sight Word Being Introduced: what

Word Family Being Introduced: -al (such as: pal, Sal, Cal, gal)

Hello families!
I apologize for not getting the schedule up earlier in the week - let's have a great one!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday we will be having a sledding party with our 4th grade buddies. We want to take advantage of the snow before it melts, and this may be our last chance before the end of the snow season! Please remember to bring all of your warm snow gear!

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