
Schedule for the Week of October 24-28

  • M- Art and Media (Please remember to return your library books!)
  • T- P.E. & Music & Picture Retake Day!
  • W- Music & P.E.
  • Th- Art & Meet up with 4th grade buddies!
  • F- Music & P.E. and Computer
** Rollerskating begins this week in P.E., so please remember to bring your helmets! :-)

Star of the Week: Henry!!

Sight Word: Review: I, a, go, the, my

Letter of the Week: Cc

Vocabulary: Review: feast, appetite, aroma, prepare, urgency, lonely, gusto, surround, remind, savor, tradition, preoccupied, perfectly, mellow, talent

Math: Chap. 3 focusing on graphing and numbers 1-5


Schedule for the Week of October 17-21

  • M- P.E./Music & Media (Please remember to bring back your library books!)
  • T- Music/P.E.
  • W- No School! - Teacher Workshop Day
  • Th- No School! - MEA
  • F- No School! - MEA
** Please return your INNISBROOK fundraising packets in case you have not already done so! Thank you!

This is a short week with only two days of school! We will not be focusing on a certain letter or vocabulary this week. Instead, we will be reviewing what we have been learning and also working on a unit about our families in Social Studies. Enjoy this two-day week and long weekend ahead!


Schedule for the Week of October 10-14

  • M- Music/P.E. & Media (Please remember to return you library books!)
  • T- Art
  • W- P.E./Music
  • Th- Music/P.E.
  • F- Art & Computer
Star of the Week: Isabella!

Sight Word: go

Letter of the Week: Cc

Vocabulary: appetite, savor, urgency, aroma, surround, tradition

Phonics: rhyming

Math: Chapter 3 - Numbers 1-5


Schedule for the Week of October 3-7

  • M - Art & Media Class with Mrs. Williams (*Please return library books!) and Character Class with Mrs. Swanson
  • T - P.E./Music
  • W - Music/P.E.
  • Th - Art
  • F - Music/P.E. & Computer
Star of the Week: Jack M.

Sight Word: the

Letter of the Week: Nn and Pp

Vocabulary: feast, gusto, prepare, lonely, remind, preoccupied

Phonics: Syllable blending, segmentation and deletion

Math: Chapter 2 - Our last week of covering patterns

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