
Schedule for the Week of May 1-5

SPECIALS: (May 1-5)

Monday:  Media/P.E. (Day 2)
Tuesday:   Art/Music (Day 3)
Wednesday:  P.E./Media (Day 4)
Thursday: Music/Art (Day 5)
Friday: No School!!

MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

Language Arts

Unit 9: Make Connections and Identify Cause and Effect (Week 2)
    • Blend CVC words
    • Spell CVC words using all letters previously learned
  • Sight Words: Review

  • Build academic vocabulary and concepts related to fantasy
  • Determine the cause and effect in a text
  • Retell story events
  • Reflect on cause and effect
  • Build oral language and vocabulary through whole-group and partner discussion
  • Reread stories to build fluency

Language Arts Home Practice Lesson 9.2 (Will come home on Thursday, May 4 in Friday Folders.
  • Have your child read the books from their book bag throughout the week
  • A variety of emerging reader printable books:  Leveled Readers
  • Dream Box and Raz Kids can both be accessed at home
  • Practice sight words throughout the week: write and read them

Writing/Concepts of Print

Informational Reports: Write an Informational Report

  • Use appropriate end punctuation
  • Put spaces between words
  • Use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly
  • Write some CVC words
  • Write high-frequency words
  • Demonstrate writer's voice
  • Listen for sounds in words
  • Reread from the beginning of a sentence
  • Draft, revise, or edit a report

Math: Unit 5 (Consolidation of Concepts)
  • 5.21: Teen Numbers, Partners, and Equations
    • Objectives: tell and retell addition and subtraction stories; solve story problems with drawings and equations; show teen numbers as a ten and extra ones; develop spatial concepts
    • Vocabulary: add, subtract, more, fewer, equal
  • 5.22: More Horizontal Graphs and Comparisons
    • Objectives:sort and graph objects; read horizontal graphs and compare quantities; add or take away objects to make two groups equal
    • Vocabulary: horizontal graph, more, less, most, least, equal
    • 5.23: More Tens in Teen Numbers: A Game
      • Objectives: take away objects to make two groups equal; realize that the 1 in teen numbers means 1 ten.
      • Vocabulary: subtract, equal, teen number, ten, one
    • Continuing to observe signs of spring
      • creating graphic organizer regarding what we observe
    • Observing any changes in our "classroom tree"
    • Observing signs of wildlife, discussing habitats
    • Identifying things found in nature versus things that are human made (this is a medallion!)
    • Observing fish, learning how different parts of a fish function (gils, fins), discussing habitats of a fish


    Schedule for the Week of April 24-28

    SPECIALS: (April 24-28)

    Monday: Music/Art (Day 3)
    Tuesday:  P.E./Media  (Day 4)
    Wednesday:  Art/Music  (Day 5)
    Thursday: Media/P.E. (Day 6)
    Friday: Music/Art (Day 1)

    MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

    Language Arts

    Unit 9: Make Connections and Identify Cause and Effect (Week 1)

    • Letter(s): Zz
    • Phonics:
      • Identify the sound /z/
      • Associate the letter Zz with the sound /z/
      • Listen for initial /z/
      • Substitute initial sounds
      • Blend CVC words
      • Spell CVC words using Zz and letters previously learned
    • Sight Words: Review

    • Identify cause and effect in pictures and text
    • Recognize signal language for cause and effect
    • Make connections to deepen understanding of the text
    • Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers, clues, and evidence

    Writing/Concepts of Print

    Informational Reports: Model Writing an Informational Report

    • Use appropriate end punctuation
    • Put spaces between words
    • Use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly
    • Write some CVC words
    • Write high-frequency words
    • Demonstrate writer's voice
    • Listen for sounds in words
    • Reread from the beginning of a sentence
    • Write a book review
    • Plan and draft an informational report

    Math: Unit 5 (Consolidation of Concepts)
    • 5.17: Story Problems: Totals Under 10
      • Objectives: tell and retell addition and subtraction stories; solve story problems with drawings and equations; take away objects to make two groups equal
      • Vocabulary: add, subtract, more, fewer, equal
    • 5.18: Subtract to Make Equal Groups
      • Objectives: add or take away objects to make two groups equal
      • Vocabulary: front, forward, back, ahead, left, right, over, add, subtract, equal
    • 5.19: More Vertical Graphs and Comparisons
      • Objectives: sort and graph objects; read vertical graphs and compare quantities; visualize teen numbers as a ten and extra ones
      • Vocabulary: graph, more than, less than, most, least, teen number
    • 5.20: Practice: Pattern Block and Attribute Card Activities
      • Objectives: generate repeating patterns; show geometric patterns and turns; practice 10-partners and 6-partners
      • Vocabulary: pattern, rectangle, circle, triangle, square, partners
    Social Studies:

    • Neighborhoods: continue talking about what makes up a neighborhood and what is common in many neighborhoods
    • Create a neighborhood art project together (didn't get to this last week)

    • Signs that spring is on the way-take pictures in our Seesaw e-journal
    • Focusing on observations (plants, fish, outside versus inside)
    • human made versus found in nature, living versus nonliving


    Schedule for the Week of April 17-21

    SPECIALS: (April 17-21)

    Monday: P.E./Media  (Day 4)
    Tuesday:  Art/Music  (Day 5)
    Wednesday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6)
    Thursday: Music/Art (Day 1)
    Friday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)

    MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

    Unit 8: Determine Text Importance/Compare and Contrast 
    ·       Letter(s): Xx
    ·       Phonics:
    o   Identify the sound /ks/
    o   Identify the sound /z/
    o   Associate the letter Xx with the sound /ks/
    o   Listen for the sound /ks/
    o   Listen for ending sounds
    o   Orally substitute medial sounds
    o   Blend CVC words
    o   Spell CVC words using Qq and letters previously learned
    ·       Sight Words: review all
    ·       Determine text importance before reading
    ·       Build fluency through choral reading
    ·       Build oral language and vocabulary through whole-group and partner discussion
    ·       Echo-read to build fluency
    ·       Build comprehension through retelling
    ·       Practice reading a rhyme with expression
    ·       Use the title and other text and graphic clues to anticipate the mood of a reading selection
    ·       Match tone of voice to intended mood
    ·       Use effective inflection and intonation to make reading sound like talking

    Writing/Concepts of Print (week 26)
    Informational Reports: Write an Informational Report
    ·       Use appropriate end punctuation
    ·       Put spaces between words
    ·       Use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly
    ·       Write some CVC words
    ·       Write high-frequency words
    ·       Demonstrate writer's voice
    ·       Listen for sounds in words
    ·       Reread from the beginning of a sentence
    ·       Draft, revise, or edit a report


    5.14: Introduction to Counting and Grouping Routines - Objectives: count by ones from 100-120; count by fives to 50; extend repeating geometric patterns, including rotations, Vocabulary: one hundred, repeating pattern

    5.15: Practice: Number and Body-in-Space Activities - Objectives: equalize groups by adding; find partners of 7,8, and 9; reinforce numbers and patterns with body movements, Vocabulary: more, less, equal, unequal, pattern

    5.16: Add Partners to Find Totals - Objectives: show numbers 1-20 as tens and ones; find the unknown partner when the total and one partner are known; find the total of two partners, Vocabulary: partner, total, more, fewer

    5.17: Story Problems: Totals Under 10 - Objectives: tell and retell addition and subtraction stories; solve story problems with drawings and equations; take away objects to make two groups equal, Vocabulary: add, subtract, more, fewer, equal

    5.18: Subtract to Make Equal Groups - Objectives: add or take away objects to make two groups equal, Vocabulary: front, forward, back, ahead, left, right


    Schedule for the Week of April 3-7

    Welcome Back!! I hope you all had a wonderful break!!

    SPECIALS: (April 3-7)

    Monday: Media/P.E. (Day 6)
    Tuesday:  Music/Art (Day 1)
    Wednesday:  Media/P.E. (Day 2)
    Thursday: Art/Music  (Day 3)
    Friday:  P.E./Media  (Day 4) - Read-A-Thon!

    MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

    Unit 8: Determine Text Importance/Compare and Contrast 
    ·       Letter(s): Vv
    ·       Phonics:
    o   Identify the sound /v/
    o   Associate the letter Vv with the sound /v/
    o   Listen for initial /v/
    o   Listen for medial sounds
    o   Blend CVC words
    o   Spell CVC words using Vv and letters previously learned
    ·       Sight Words: review all
    ·       Identify comparisons and contrasts in photographs and text
    ·       Determine important text, such as compare and contrast signal words
    ·       Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers and clues and evidence in a text
    ·       Create a Venn diagram and write a paragraph based on it (whole group).

    Writing/Concepts of Print (week 24)
    Informational Reports: Model Writing an Informational Report
    ·       Use appropriate end punctuation
    ·       Put spaces between words
    ·       Use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly
    ·       Write some CVC words
    ·       Write high-frequency words
    ·       Demonstrate writer's voice
    ·       Listen for sounds in words
    ·       Write a book review

    We will continue to work on addition and subtraction in story-problems!

    5.11: Tens in Teen Numbers: A Game - Objectives: solve addition and subtraction story problems; visualize teen numbers as a ten and extra ones; use the equal and not equal signs in comparing. Vocabulary: equal sign, not equal sign, equal, unequal

    5.12: Tens in Teen Numbers Book - Objectives: visualize teen numbers as a ten and extra ones; find 10-partners, Vocabulary: teen numbers, extra ones

    5.13: Partners of 10: Class Project - Objectives: relate 10-partner drawings to addition equations; find patterns in the partners of 10, Vocabulary: rectangle, pattern

    5.14: Introduction to Counting and Grouping Routines - Objectives: count by ones from 100-120; count by fives to 50; extend repeating geometric patterns, including rotations, Vocabulary: one hundred, repeating pattern

    5.15: Practice: Number and Body-in-Space Activities - Objectives: equalize groups by adding; find partners of 7,8, and 9; reinforce numbers and patterns with body movements, Vocabulary: more, less, equal, unequal, pattern


    Schedule for the Week of March 20-24

    SPECIALS: (March 20-24)

    Monday: Music/Art (Day 1)
    Tuesday:  Media/P.E. (Day 2)
    Wednesday:  Art/Music  (Day 3)
    Thursday: P.E./Media  (Day 4)
    Friday: Music/Art (Day 5) 

    MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

    *** We have our Lowry Nature Center Field Trip coming up on 3/22 from 9-Noon, please dress your child for the weather - the field trip is mostly outside. Thanks! 

    **** The Week of March 27-31st is SPRING BREAK - hopefully you can enjoy some relaxation during this time! School resumes again on April 3rd. 

    Unit 7: Make Inferences/Make Predictions - Week 3 Objectives (March 20 - 24)
    ·       Letter(s): Yy
    ·       Phonics:
    o   Identify the sound /y/
    o   Associate the letter Yy with the sound /y/
    o   Listen for /y/
    o   Orally substitute medial sounds
    o   Blend CVC words
    o   Spell CVC words using Yy and letters previously learned
    ·       Sight Words: review all
    ·       Make inferences before reading
    ·       Build fluency through choral-reading
    ·       Build comprehension through retelling
    ·       Build oral language and vocabulary through whole-group and partner discussion
    ·       Use effective phrasing to make reading sound like talking
    ·       Reflect on and assess fluency development

    Writing/Concepts of Print (week 23)
    Informational Reports: Introduce Informational Reports
    ·       Use appropriate end punctuation
    ·       Put spaces between words
    ·       Use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly
    ·       Write some CVC words
    ·       Write high-frequency words
    ·       Demonstrate writer's voice
    ·       Listen for sounds in words

    5.8: Patterns in Numbers 1-20 - Objectives: visualize teen numbers in sequence as a ten and extra ones; find the unknown partner when the total and one partner are known; identify 5-partners. Vocabulary: partner, teen number, pattern

    5.9: Review Partners of 2,3,4,5,6 and 10 - Objectives: find all the partners of 2,3,4,5,6, and 10; reinforce numbers and patterns with spatial movements; view teen numbers as a ten and extra ones; practice finding 10-partners

    5.10: Partners of 6,7,8, and 9 - Objectives: visualize teen numbers in sequence as a ten and extra ones; find the unknown partner when the total and one partner are known; identify partners for the number 6. Vocabulary: partner, pattern

    5.11: Tens in Teen Numbers: A Game - Objectives: solve addition and subtraction story problems; visualize teen numbers as a ten and extra ones; use the equal and not equal signs in comparing. Vocabulary: equal sign, not equal sign, equal, unequal

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