
New Dress Code Policy

New Dress Code Policy.....

A new dress policy will be in place this year (2009-2010) at Shirley Hills. The purpose of the dress code policy is to create an environment that is best suited for academic growth, social interaction, and the safety of students and staff. In this mid-season of layering, please be sure that the under layer is as appropriate as the outer layer.

  1. No hats or hoods will be worn in the building.
  2. no short shorts or skirts. A guideline is to place your hangs at your side; skirts/shorts should be longer than your hands.
  3. Shoulders and stomachs must be covered.
  4. Shirt straps must be at least 2 inches wide.
  5. Messages on clothing must be positive, age appropriate, and not offensive to others.
  6. Shoes must be worn at all times. Appropriate shoes must be worn for safety during Phy Ed, recess, and a variety of classroom activities.

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