
Schedule for the Week of Feb. 28 - March 4

Will March come in like a LION or a Lamb??? I hope the answer is a Lamb, but based on our winter thus far, it could easily be a LION!! We'll have to wait and see. :-)

  • M- Computer & Art
  • T- P.E. & Music and we'll celebrate Emerson's Birthday!!!!! Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
  • W - Music & P.E.
  • Th- Art Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
  • F - No School! Parent/Teacher Conferences
Letters of the Week: Ww and Xx

Sight Words: REVIEW!! : me, for, where, do, you, look, one, see, what, & two

Vocabulary Words: REVIEW!!: bound, drooped, joyous, load, steep, thrill, agreed, contribute, fantasy, jolly, spontaneously and versatile

I'm looking forward to meeting with all of you this week at conferences! Let's have a wonderful week.


Valentine's Day Party!

Schedule for the Week of Feb. 21-25

  • M - No School - President's Day!
  • T - No School - Teacher Workshop Day!
  • W - Art
  • Th - P.E. & Music
  • F - Music & P.E.
This is a short week and we will not be going to Media until next Tuesday, so please feel free to keep your library book until next Tuesday, thank you!


Schedule for the Week of Feb. 14-18

  • M- HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! - Computer and P.E. & Music
  • T - Music & P.E. and Media & Adventures in Art with Mrs. Buescher!
  • W - Art and Micah's Birthday!!
  • Th - P.E. & Music
  • F - Music & P.E. & celebrate Max's Birthday!!
Sight Words: what, two

Word Family: -ot, -op

Vocabulary: fantasy, jolly, versatile, agreed, contribute, spontaneously


Schedule for the Week of Feb. 7-11

  • M- Computer and Music & P.E. & Celebrate Mac's Birthday!
  • T- Art, Adventures in Art with Mrs. Buescher!! and Media (Please remember to bring back your library books!)
  • W- P.E. & Music
  • Th- Music & P.E.
  • F- Art & Please bring in Valentine's for Classmates!
Star of the Week: Mikayla

Letters of the Week: Ll & Hh

Sight Words: one, see

Vocabulary: load, bound, steep, drooped, joyous, thrill

This week we have begun a new theme in Language Arts called "Let's Play" and we will also start earning our Medallions!

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