
Schedule for the Week of Feb. 28 - March 4

Will March come in like a LION or a Lamb??? I hope the answer is a Lamb, but based on our winter thus far, it could easily be a LION!! We'll have to wait and see. :-)

  • M- Computer & Art
  • T- P.E. & Music and we'll celebrate Emerson's Birthday!!!!! Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
  • W - Music & P.E.
  • Th- Art Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
  • F - No School! Parent/Teacher Conferences
Letters of the Week: Ww and Xx

Sight Words: REVIEW!! : me, for, where, do, you, look, one, see, what, & two

Vocabulary Words: REVIEW!!: bound, drooped, joyous, load, steep, thrill, agreed, contribute, fantasy, jolly, spontaneously and versatile

I'm looking forward to meeting with all of you this week at conferences! Let's have a wonderful week.

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