
Schedule for the Week of April 30 - May 4

  • M- Art & Media (Please remember to return your library books!!)
  • T - Music/P.E. & HAPPY MAY DAY!!
  • W - Music/P.E.
  • Th- Art
  • F- P.E./Music
Star of the Week: Marcos!

Sight Words: that, have

Letter of the Week: Qq

Vocabulary: Review Week!

Math: Continuing to learn addition!

Literacy: Review Week of "Animals All Around!"


Schedule for the Week of April 23-27

  • M- Music/P.E. & Media (Please remember to return your library books!)
  • T- Music/P.E. & Get together with 4th grade buddies!
  • W- Art
  • Th- P.E./Music
  • F-  Music/P.E. & Computer
Star of the Week: Sabrina

Sight Words: give, little

Word Families of the Week: -un, -ut, -up

Vocabulary: lively, peek, arise, clever, boastful, quarrel

Math: We are beginning Chp. 11 in math which is all about ADDITION!!!

Literacy: We are continuing our theme called "Animals All Around." We will be reading some fun new stories and talking about how to write a friendly letter!

Science:  We are continuing to observe our guppies. Unfortunately our goldfish did not make it past the first week, but our guppies are quite hearty!


Schedule for the Week of April 16-20

  • M - Music/P.E. and Media (Please remember your library books!!)
  • T- Art
  • W- P.E./Music
  • Th- Music/P.E.
  • F- Art & Computer & Celebrate Johnathan's Birthday!!

Star of the Week: Cormac!

Sight Words: and, there

Letter of the Week: Uu

Vocabulary: hollow, scurry, watchful, cling, defend, ravenous

Math: We are continuing to work on organizing data, graphing the data and learning how to read different graphs.

Literacy: This week we are beginning a new theme called "Animals All Around." We will be reading some fun new stories and talking about how to write a Thank you letter!


Dear Parents:

Just a reminder that we still need donations for the class basket!! Because we have not received many donations, we are extending the deadline until Monday, April 16th!! Again, our theme is “Family Sports.” Here is a list of items that would help us with our theme:

· Volleyball set;

· Frisbee;

· Outdoor games;

· Cones;

· Tug of war rope;

· Jump ropes;

· Chalk;

· Kick ball;

· Bases;

· Soccer balls;

· Water Bottles;

· Bat;

· Ball;

· Hats;

· Golf Balls;

· Golf Tees;

· Horseshoes;

· Bocce;

· Water balloons;

· Folding Chair...

Please remember that this is Shirley Hills largest fundraiser and we NEED your help!!!

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us and thank you for your generosity!

Amanda Marksberry and Amy Meisel


Schedule for the Week of April 9-13

  • M - Art, Media & Character Class with Mrs. Swanson! & Celebration of Elizabeth's Birthday!!
  • T - P.E./Music
  • W - Music/P.E.
  • Th- Art & 4th Grade Buddies
  • F- Music/P.E.

Star of the Week: Elizabeth!

Sight Words: Review of: up, down, we, want, she, good, out, who, are, they

Letters of the Week: Yy & Zz

Vocabulary: Review!!

Math: We are continuing to work on organizing data, graphing the data and learning how to read different graphs.

Literacy: This is our last week talking about "Jobs People Do." We will continue with our literacy centers, Guided Reading Groups and practice building and decoding words.

****Please Remember to send in donations for our classroom basket!! Our theme is: "Family Sports" *******


Schedule for the Week of April 2-6

  • M- Music/P.E. & Media (Please remember to return your Library Books!!)
  • T- Art & Field Trip to Lowry Nature Center
  • W- Music/P.E.
  • Th- Music/P.E.
  • F- No School! Teacher Workshop Day!

Sight Words: she, good

Word Families of the Week: -et (creates words such as: bet, get, let) -eg (creates words such as: peg, beg, leg) -en (creates words such as: Ben, ten, Jen)

Vocabulary: appreciate, grace, host, lush, marvelous, constantly

Math: We are beginning Chapter 10! We will be working on organizing data, graphing the data and learning how to read different graphs.

Literacy: We are starting a new theme this week in Language Arts called "Jobs People Do"- this theme will last for the next 3 weeks. We will continue with our literacy centers, Guided Reading Groups and practice building and decoding words.

Please check your e-mail about what your family can donate for our classroom basket for the carnival!! THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!

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