
Schedule for the Week of April 23-27

  • M- Music/P.E. & Media (Please remember to return your library books!)
  • T- Music/P.E. & Get together with 4th grade buddies!
  • W- Art
  • Th- P.E./Music
  • F-  Music/P.E. & Computer
Star of the Week: Sabrina

Sight Words: give, little

Word Families of the Week: -un, -ut, -up

Vocabulary: lively, peek, arise, clever, boastful, quarrel

Math: We are beginning Chp. 11 in math which is all about ADDITION!!!

Literacy: We are continuing our theme called "Animals All Around." We will be reading some fun new stories and talking about how to write a friendly letter!

Science:  We are continuing to observe our guppies. Unfortunately our goldfish did not make it past the first week, but our guppies are quite hearty!

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