
Schedule for the Week of Sept. 24-28

  • M- P.E./Music and Character Class on bullying with Mrs. Swanson
  • T- Music/P.E. - It's Picture Day!!
  • W- Art
  • Th- Music/P.E.
  • F- Music/ P.E. & Media with Mr. Lohtka (Please remember to return your library books!) & Wolf Ridge Fundraiser Packets due today!
    • Look for your child's purple Math Homework folder today!
Star of the Week: Jessica!

Reading/Writing for the Week
  • Sight Word: my
  • Letter of the Week: Tt 
  • Robust Vocabulary: ability, confident, encouragement, talent, differ, perfectly, resemblance, reverse
  • we will make predictions in stories we read
  • we will talk about and practice inferences
  • we will work on organizing our thoughts in writing 
  • we will discuss and create different signs we see in our neighborhoods

Math for the Week:

We continue to work on Unit 1 in math. This week we will cover Math lessons 1.8 - 1.11.
In these lessons we will be working on graphing, identifying groups of 2, 3, 4 and 5 objects, along with finishing to create our "Counting Books" with pictures of groups of 2, 3, 4 and 5 objects. We will also begin ordering numbers 1-10, creating groups of 1-10 objects and graph and compare two numbers. Friday, your child will be bringing home their first math homework assignment. This is our first year to have math homework, so we will take it one week at a time and see how it all works.

Science for the Week:

We will begin our tree journals this week. We will pick a tree out by the playground and observe and draw the tree in our journals, then watch as the tree changes throughout the seasons this year.

It is going to be a GREAT week! Enjoy!


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