
Schedule for the Week of Oct. 29- Nov. 2

  • M - P.E./ Music & Computer with Mrs. Couser!
  • T - Art & Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
  • W - Music/ P.E. - Halloween Parade at 2:15pm
  • Th - P.E./ Music & Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
  • F - No School - Conferences!
**Please remember your helmets for P.E. this week!!

Reading/ Writing for the Week:
  • This week we will be doing A LOT of review over the different concepts we have been working on... along with a little Halloween fun! 
  • Phonological Awareness: rhyming words
  • Reviewing High-Frequency Words: I, a, my, the, go
  • Continuing to identify and discuss characters in a story
  • Reviewing Robust Vocabulary: feast, gusto, prepare, lonely, remind, preoccupied, appetite, savor, urgency, aroma, surround, tradition
  • Continuing to work on recognizing and writing sentences
  • Discussing news and writing our own news stories
  • Reading Lesson 6 Homework
Math for the Week:
  • 2.5 Family Math Stories
    •  Establish links between math and the real world
    • Draw 6 objects
    • write the numeral 6
  • 2.6 Introduction to Repeating Patterns
    • Identify and order numbers 1 through 10
    • Count out and make 6 through 10 with 5-groups
    • Identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word
    • Graph to compare two numbers
    • Develop spatial concepts
    • Identify repeating patterns
  • 2.7 Make Repeating Patterns
    •  Make repeating patterns
    • Write the numerals 1 through 5
  • 2.8 Addition and Subtraction Stories
    •  Establish links between math and the real world
    • Order numbers 1 through 10
           Math Homework:
    • Monday - 2.5 (link)
    • Tuesday - 
    • Wednesday- 2.7 (link)
    • Thursday-

Social Studies for the Week:  
  • We will be talking about what a family is and the "gifts" each family member gives. 
Science for the Week
  • We will be doing a unit of our Engineering Legos this week. The students will work in groups to create Spinning Tops!  


Schedule for the Week of 22 - 26

  • M- Art & Computer with Mrs. Couser
  • T- P.E./Music
  • W- Music/P.E.
  • Th- Art
  • F- P.E./Music & Media with Mr. Lohtka (Please remember to return your library books!)
Reading/Writing for the Week:
  • Letter of the Week: Aa
  • Phonological Awareness: rhyming words
  • Reviewing High-Frequency Words: I, a, my, the, go
  • Continuing to identify and discuss characters in a story
  • Reviewing Robust Vocabulary: feast, gusto, prepare, lonely, remind, preoccupied, appetite, savor, urgency, aroma, surround, tradition
  • Continuing to work on recognizing and writing sentences
  • Discussing news and writing our own news stories
  • Reading Lesson 5 Homework Link

Math for the Week
  • Unit 2
    • 2.1
      • Find Numbers 1-10: Neighborhood Scene
      • Objectives: find groups of 1 through 10; identify 5-groups
      • Vocabulary: 5-groups
    • 2.2: Relate Objects and Numbers 6-10
      • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers
      • Vocabulary: 5-group, more, fewer
    • 2.3: Family Math Stories
      • Objectives: Establish links between math and the real world; identify groups of 6 through 10 objects
      • Vocabulary: how many, alike, different
    • 2.4: Coin Values and Numbers 6-10
      • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make numbers 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers
      • Vocabulary: nickel, penny, alike, different, Nickel Strip
  • Math Homework: 
    • Monday: Unit 1 Test
    • Tuesday: 
    • Wednesday: 2.2 (link)
    • Thursday: 2.3 (link)
    • Friday:
Social Studies for the Week:  
  • We will be talking about what a family is and the "gifts" each family member gives.


Number Parade

We have been working on our Number Parade!  Work with your child on what a number looks like by counting different things you see while you are driving our just at home.  Practice writing numbers zero through 10 too.  Number 2, 3, 7 and 9 are the numbers some children reverse.  

Here are some rhymes that help us write our numbers:
1 - Start at the top and down you run, that's the way you make a one.
2 - Make a candy cane and give it a shoe, that's the way you make a two.
3 - Around and around just like a "B", that's how you make the number three.
4 - Down and over and down some more, that's how you make a four.
5 - Short neck, belly fat, Mr. Five wears a hat.
6 - Make a "C" then in you go, now you've made a six you know.
7 - Across the sky and down from heaven, that's the way you make a seven.
8 - Make an "S" and then don't wait, go back up and make an eight.
9 - Make a circle then a line, that's the way you make a nine.


Schedule for the Week of Oct. 15 & 16

  • M- P.E./Music & Computer
  • T- Music/P.E.
  • W- NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workshop
  • Th - NO SCHOOL - MEA
Reading/Writing for the Week:  
  • Phonological Awareness: rhyming words
  • Reviewing High-Frequency Words: I, a, my, the, go, can
  • Continuing to identify and discuss characters in a story
  • Reviewing Robust Vocabulary: appetite, savor, urgency, aroma, surround, traditions
  • Continuing to work on recognizing and writing sentences
  • Making a fun cookie monster and Halloween project to decorate our room with!
  • We will start rotating centers for Language Arts! 

Math for the Week:
  • Unit 1: 
    • 1.23: Scenes of 1
      • Objectives: explore groups of 1
    • 1.24: Make a Class Graph
      • Objectives: make and read a graph; identify shapes
  • Math Homework: 
    • Monday: 1.23 (link)
    • Tuesday: 


Schedule for the Week of Oct. 8-12

  • M- Music/P.E. & Computer
  • T- Art
  • W- P.E./Music
  • Th- Music/P.E.
  • F- Art & Media with Mr. Lohtka (Please remember to return your library books!) 
Star of the Week! :: Claire

Reading/Writing for the Week
  •  Sight Word: go
  • Letter of the Week: Cc
  • Robust Vocabulary: appetite, savor, urgency, aroma, surround, tradition
  • We will be reading stories: "Bee-bim Bop" and "Up! Up! Up! It's Apple Picking Time" and focusing on the characters in the story
  • We will be working on writing sentences and the punctuation we use when we write a sentence
  • We will be talking about words that rhyme  

Math for the Week:
  • 1.17:: More Numbers of Objects in a Group - Objectives: Count 1 through 5, write numeral 4, identify groups of 4
  • 1.18:: Objects and Numbers through10: Centimeter Cubes - Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 - 10, count 1 through 10 objects, Identify numbers 1 through 10 from the number words, graph to compare two numbers, distinguish between different-sized groups
  • 1.19:: Practice Numbers of Objects in a Group - Objectives: Count 1 through 5 shapes, Write the numeral 5, identify groups of 5
  • 1.20:: More Objects and Numbers Through 10: Square-inch Tiles - Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10, Count 1 through 10 objects, Identify numbers 1 through 10 from the number word, graph to compare two numbers.
  • 1.21:: More Scenes of 2, 3, 4, and 5- Objectives: Count and identify the number in a group of 2 to 5 objects, Put the numbers 1 through 5 in order, Make and compare circles and squares, Explore the differences between round and square and between small and large.  
Social Studies for the Week:  
  • We will be talking about what a family is and the "gifts" each family member gives.


Schedule for the Week of Oct. 1-5

  • M - Art & computer lab
    • Look for purple math HW folder tonight (1.13)
  • T - P.E. & Music
  • W - Music & P.E.
    • Look for purple math HW folder tonight (1.15) 
  • Th - Art
  • F - P.E. & Music & Media with Mr. Lohtka (Please remember to return your library books!)
Star of the Week:: Beck!

Letters of the Week: Nn and Pp

Sight Word: the

Vocabulary: feast, gusto, prepare, lonely, remind, preoccupied

  • We will be recognizing and identifying different shapes
  • Identifying and ordering numbers 1-10
  • Identifying the number of objects in a group
  • Comparing and contrasting 2 and 3 dimensional shapes

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