- M- P.E./Music - Welcome to our classroom Mrs. Moon (student teacher) - we are so excited you will be joining us!!
- T- Music/P.E.
- W- Art
- Th- Music/P.E.
- F- Music/P.E. & Media with Mr. Lohtka (Please remember to return your library books!)
Reading: Lesson 26
- Phonemic Awareness: phoneme deletion
- Word Building: -un and -ut words
- High-Frequency Words: give, little
- Robust Vocabulary: lively, peek, arise, clever, boastful, quarrel
- Comprehension: important details in a story; using and understanding the structure of a story
- Literature: Reading Good Morning, Little Polar Bear by Carol Votaw, Clever Tortoise by Francesca Martin, and How Chipmunk Got His Stripes by Joseph Bruchac and James Bruchac
- Writing: friendly letters continued
Reading Homework
Math: Unit 5
Math: Unit 5
- Unit 5: Consolidation of Concepts
- 5.21: Teen Numbers, Partners, and Equations
- Objectives: tell and retell addition and subtraction stories; solve story problems with drawings and equations; show teen numbers as a ten and extra ones; develop spatial concepts
- Vocabulary: add, subtract, more, fewer, equal
- 5.22: More Horizontal Graphs and Comparisons
- Objectives:sort and graph objects; read horizontal graphs and compare quantities; add or take away objects to make two groups equal
- Vocabulary: horizontal graph, more, less, most, least, equal
- 5.23: More Tens in Teen Numbers: A Game
- Objectives: take away objects to make two groups equal; realize that the 1 in teen numbers means 1 ten.
- Vocabulary: subtract, equal, teen number, ten, one
- 5.24: Equal Parts, Equal Shares
- Objectives: use objects to show equal parts; use objects to show equal groups
- Vocabulary: equal parts, equal groups, half (halves)
- 5.25: Shapes in a Robot Scene
- Objectives: recognize and count geometric shapes; recognize symmetry and reflections
- Vocabulary: reflection, flip, symmetry
- Math Challenge (Optional)
- no more math challenge sheets for Unit 5.
- Continuing to make and discuss fish observations