
Schedule for the Week of February 17-21


A huge thank you to all of the moms who planned and helped out with our class Valentine's Day Party! The students had a fabulous time!

Our Read-A-Thon is coming up this Friday.  We will be doing all sorts of fun reading activities throughout the day!  Make sure to turn in those fundraiser packets (if you chose to participate) and continue to send the Reading Olympic calendars in or email me your child's minutes. Our class has reached over 3,500 minutes!!! Keep up the great work K-2 (Japan)!

Here is a glimpse of the other things we will be working on this week.........

Reading:  Lesson 18
  • Phonemic Awareness: Identify middle sound in words
  • Letters: Ww, Xx
  • High-Frequency Words: Review 
  • Robust Vocabulary: load, bound, steep, drooped, joyous, thrill, fantasy, jolly, versatile, agreed, contribute, spontaneously
  • Identifying beginning, middle, and end of a story
  • Using graphic organizers to help with story comprehension
  • Writing: story response, working on adding "voice" to our writing
Reading Homework
Guided Readers (I will be reading these with students in groups of 4-5 throughout the week) 
  • Lesson 18 Red (focuses on recognizing the letter W and X)
  • Lesson 18 Blue(includes short sentences that focus on our most recent sight words. It also focuses on basic CVC -ix and -ox words)
  • Lesson 18 Green(includes more complex sentences)
Math: Unit 4 
  • Unit 4: Partners, Problem Drawings, and Tens
    • 4.9: More Patterns with Shapes
      • Objectives: explore shapes and combine them to make new shapes; compare groups to determine which has fewer objects
      • Vocabulary: triangle, hexagon, trapezoid, parallelogram, less, more, diamond, fewer
    • 4.10: Break-Apart Numbers Through 10
      • Objectives: find sets of partners for 10; record sets of partners for 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2.
      • Vocabulary: partner, Tiny Tumbler, Math Mountain, unknown partner
    • 4.11: Numbers Through 30
      • Objectives: show numbers through 30 with 10-sticks and centimeter cubes; order and compare numbers through 30.
      • Vocabulary: tens, ones
  • Math Homework: 
    • Monday:
    • Tuesday: 4.10
    • Wednesday: 
    • Thursday: 
    • Friday: 

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