
Schedule for the Week of May 16-20

Language Arts

Unit 10: Make Inferences/Draw Conclusions (Week 1)

  • Letter(s): Vv
  • Phonics:
    • Identify the sound /v/
    • Associate the letter Vv with the sound /v/
    • Listen for initial /v/
    • Listen for medial sounds
    • Blend CVC words
    • Spell CVC words using Vv and letters previously learned
  • Sight Words: good

  • Draw conclusions using clues in a text and what they already know
  • Make inferences to help draw conclusions
  • Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers, clues, and evidence
  • Answer text-dependent drawing conclusions questions
  • Create a drawing conclusions graphic organizer and write a paragraph based on it (whole group)

Language Arts Home Practice Lesson 10.1 (Will come home on Friday, May 20 in Friday Folders.
  • Have your child read the books from their book bag throughout the week
  • A variety of emerging reader printable books:  Leveled Readers
  • Dream Box and Raz Kids can both be accessed at home
  • Practice sight words throughout the week: write and read them. Let's get these down!

Writing/Concepts of Print

Informational Reports: Develop Ideas/Ask and Answer Questions

  • Use appropriate end punctuation
  • Put spaces between words
  • Use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly
  • Write some CVC words
  • Write high-frequency words
  • Write a report
  • Ask and answer questions (who, what, when, where, why, how)

Language Arts Centers:

Read to Self: Students read books from their personalized book boxes. Students can also choose from our classroom leveled library.

Read With Others: The focus of this center is working together and making decisions together. Students will focus on using the app Raz Kids to read with each other or use phonics decodable books to read with each other.

Word Work: students choose from a variety of activities that focus on sight words, letter work, CVC words, and rhyming. Students are encouraged to work on something that they need some extra help with. For instance, if they don't know all of their sight words yet, that should be their area of focus.

Work on Writing/Science: Students work in their new "fish observation journal" to observe a variety of things regarding our pet fish. We make 1-2 observations a week. Some are done independently, some are done in groups, and some are done as a whole class. We will work on these into May and continue to discuss our observations as we go

Listen To Reading: Students listen to the story ___________ and work together to show an understanding of what it means to draw conclusions about a story. Students can draw, write, or record their answers.

Project/Science: Students use physical materials or an iPad to illustrate an example of a habitat in nature...insect, bird, fish, etc...


Unit 6: Money, Time, Measurement, and Numbers

  • 6.11: Weight and Capacity
    • Objectives: explore, order, and compare weights of objects; explore, order, and compare capacities of objects
    • Vocabulary: light, lighter, lightest, heavy, heavier, heaviest
  • 6.12: Temperature
    • Objectives: identify temperatures as hot and cold; compare temperatures
    • Vocabulary: hot, cold, warmer, cooler
  • Measuring things found in nature
    • We will bring out our rulers and iPads and take measurements of various found objects. Should be fun!
  • Working on creating our own story problems (and filming them on seesaw)

Printable Math Practice: 
  • Making final entry in our tree journal
  • Observing signs of wildlife, discussing habitats
  • Observing fish, learning how different parts of a fish function (gils, fins), discussing habitats of a fish
SPECIALS: (May 16-20)

Monday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6)
Tuesday:   Music/Art (Day 1)
Wednesday:  Media/P.E.  (Day 2)
Thursday: Art/Music (Day 3)
Friday: P.E./Media (Day 4) 

MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

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