Unit 1: Ask Questions/Identify Main Idea and Supporting Details
Week 1 Objectives
· Letter(s): Mm, Aa
· Phonics:
o Identify the Mm and short Aa sound
o Associate the letter Mm and Aa with the letter sound
o Listen for words that rhyme
o Blend sounds to read the word am; explore -am word family
· Sight Words: is, a, the
· Identify a stated main idea based on a picture
· Identify details that support the main idea
· Ask questions about a picture
· Use academic sentence frames to discuss strategies (EX: The main idea is_______)
· Use academic vocabulary to discuss strategies
· Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers, clues, and evidence
· Answer text-dependent main idea and supporting details questions
· Reflect orally on strategy use
· Create main idea/supporting details graphic organizer and write a paragraph (as a class) based on it
Writing/Concepts of Print (Journals)
· Introduction of Journals
o recognize book cover/title page
o understand that words carry meaning and are comprised of letters
o understand that words go from left to right
o understand that words have spaces between them
o retell information
o share messages orally
o develop genre awareness
o draw and write daily journal entry using our sight words
Math - Unit 2:
2.1: Find Numbers 1-10: Neighborhood Scene - Objectives: find groups of 1 through 10; identify 5-groups, Vocabulary: 5-group
2.2: Relate Objects and Numbers 6-10 - Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers, Vocabulary: 5-group, more, fewer
2.3: Family Math Stories - Objectives: Establish links between math and the real world; identify groups of 6 through 10 objects, Vocabulary: how many, alike, different
2.4: Coin Values and Numbers 6-10 - Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make numbers 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers, Vocabulary: nickel, penny, alike, different, Nickel Strip
2.5: More Family Math Stories - Objectives: establish links between math and the real world, draw 6 objects, write the numeral 6, Vocabulary: straight, curved
This year we are lucky to have Mrs. D'Arpino come to our class and teach our students about mindfullness. She is gearing up for a Mind-Up year! Below is a letter she wanted me to share with you:
Hello Parents,
My name is Mrs. D'Arpino and I am excited to be working, again this year, in the Shirley Hills classrooms utilizing the Mind-Up Curriculum to help students and teachers to create a compassionate classroom.
What is Mind-Up?
Mind-Up is a comprehensive, classroom-tested, evidence based curriculum framed around easily implemented lessons that foster social and emotional awareness, enhance psychological well-being, and promote academic success.
While we are together, we will be learning about our brain, how it functions and how it helps us be better students, friends and family members. We learn using activities that will encourage self-awareness and promote good choices in school and in life.
I am looking forward to working with your student(s) at Shirley Hills. Please contact me if you have any questions at (952) 491-8416 or email darpinos@westonka.k12.mn .us
Mrs. D'Arpino first visit to our class will be this Wednesday October 26th. She will visit our classroom about once a month.
We will continue to observe our classroom tree. We will discuss the season and talk about the differences we see this Fall.
Social Studies:
The class will continue working on Unit 1 - Who Am I?
Halloween Party Information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Halloween Party is on Monday, October 31st.
Party starts after everyone is in their costumes (1:30ish). We take a group picture and the party starts! We will have 5 stations with fun activities. At 2:15 the students sit in their table spots and watch other students parade through the classroom. Then our class joins the end of the parade to go through all the classrooms! We will be parading through the gym (parents are welcome to grab a seat in the gym and watch us as we parade through! Then we will return back to our classroom and continue our party.
Please help your child:
*put their costume in a bag - DO NOT WEAR COSTUME TO SCHOOL. We will change into our
costumes after lunch.
*no weapons or violent/bloody costumes
*please do not send treats to school - we have several students with allergies.
- Rollerskating starts this week in Gym!!!!!! Please send in a helmet on rollerskating days.
- If you haven't yet, sign up for fall conferences via Family Access (Skyward). Call the office if you are unable to log on. I will send an email out this week to those who have not yet signed up. Thanks!
- As the weather is changing, please make sure your child has warm gear to wear outside. We do go outside every day.
- Please send Friday folders back every week (preferably Monday or Tuesday)
SPECIALS: (October 24-28)
Monday: Media/P.E. (Day 6)
Tuesday: Music/Art (Day 1)
Wednesday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)
Thursday: Art/Music (Day 3)
Friday: P.E./Media (Day 4)
MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6!
COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am
Other News: