
Schedule for the Week of Jan. 31 - Feb. 4

  • M- Computer & Art
  • T - P.E. & Music & Media (Please remember your library books!)
  • W - Music & P.E.
  • Th- Art
  • F - P.E. & Music & Celebrate Hailey's Birthday!!
Letter of the Week: Oo

Sight Words: you, look

Math: We will be finishing Chp. 6, which concentrates on numbers 0-30. If you are looking for extra activities to do at home for extra practice with learning these numbers, try playing Go Fish with cards numbered 0-30 or play Memory with two sets of cards 0-30. Try putting the number cards in order from 0-30 or see who can put them in order the fastest, you or your child?! Have fun!

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