
Schedule for Week of Sept. 22-26

  • Phonological Awareness: syllable segmentation and deletion 
  • High-Frequency Word: my
  • Introducing Tt
  • Review making predictions
  • Introduce inferences 
  • Robust Vocabulary: ability, confident, encourage, talent, differ, perfectly, resemblance, reverse, automatic, complained, mellow, stalking
  • Revisiting  You and Me By Giovanni Manna and From Head To Toe By Eric Carle
  • Working on organizing ideas in writing
  • Writing/creating and discussing signs
Reading Homework (send back by Friday, September 26th)
  • Unit 1: 
    • 1.10: Scenes of 2,3,4, and 5
      • Objectives: Identify groups of 2 through 5 things, Identify objects that are alike/different
      • Vocabulary: same, alike, different, first, second, third
    • 1.11: Count from 1 to 10
      • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10, Count 1 through 10 objects, Identify numbers 1 through 10 from the number word, Graph to compare two numbers
      • Vocabulary: graph, vertical, horizontal, more, fewer
    • 1.12:  Same and Different
      • Objectives: Identify objects that are alike/different, make and compare circles and squares, understand differences between round and square and between small and large, count from 1 through 5
      • same, different, alike, circle, round, cylinder, cone, square, big, little
    • 1.13: Exploration of Shapes
      • Objectives: recognize shapes and identify them by name; write the numeral 3 and identify groups of 3
      • Vocabulary: triangle, rectangle, circle, square, corners, sides, length
  • Math Homework: (will come home in yellow homework folders. Please return in yellow folders when finished)
    • Monday: 
    • Tuesday: 1.11
    • Wednesday: 
    • Thursday: 1.13
    • Friday: 

SPECIALS: (September 22-26)

Monday: Art/Music (Day 3)
Tuesday: P.E./Media (Day 4)
Wednesday: Music/Art (Day 1)
Thursday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)
Friday: Art/Music (Day 3)

MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every other Day 4! Bring back books by this Tuesday (9/23)

COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

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