
Schedule for the Week of September 15-19


  • Phonological Awareness: syllable blending
  • High-Frequency Words: A
  • Introducing Rr
  • Continuing to make predictions before and while reading
  • Robust Vocabulary: differ, stalking, mellow, automatic, perfectly, resemblance
  • Reading You and Me By Giovanni Manna and Kelly in the Mirror by Martha M. Vertreace
  • Continuing to work on conventions in writing
  • Writing labels
Reading Homework (due back Friday, September 19th)
  • green sheet coming home in Friday Folders (send back in green homework folders)
  • Lesson 1
  • Unit 1: 
    • 1.5: Relate Shapes and Numbers Through 5
      • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1-5, Count 1-5 objects, Identify numbers 1-5 from the number word, Draw 3 objects
      • Vocabulary: hexagon, trapezoid
    • 1.6: Scenes of 2 and 3: Practice Visual Imagery
      • Objectives: Count and visualize two or three objects, Draw 1-5 objects, develop spacial concepts
      • Vocabulary: up, over, under, down, apart
    • 1.7: More Practice: Relate Objects and Numbers Through 5
      • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 5, Count 1 through 5 objects, Identify numbers 1 through 5 from a number word, Draw 1 through 5 objects
      • Vocabulary: hexagon, trapezoid, visualize, partners
    • 1.8:  Scenes of 2, 3, and 4
      • Objectives: See how many objects without counting, Count from 1 through 10, write numerals 1 and 2, Differentiate between quantities of 1 and 2
      • Vocabulary: pair
    • 1.9: Introduction to Graphing
      • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 5, graph to compare two numbers, develop spatial concepts, count 1 through 5 objects, draw 1 through 5 objects
      • Vocabulary: graph, vertical, horizontal, taller, more, shorter, less, longer, before, after
  • Math Homework: (starts next week)
    • Monday: 
    • Tuesday: 
    • Wednesday: 
    • Thursday: 
    • Friday: 
    • Talking about observations (what are they, why are they useful, how do we do them)
    • Observing and recording what we notice about trees
    • Learning about different types of trees, why trees are important, and the parts of a tree

    SPECIALS: (September 15-19)

    Monday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)
    Tuesday: Art/Music (Day 3)
    Wednesday: P.E./Media (Day 4)
    Thursday: Music/Art (Day 1)
    Friday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)

    MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every other Day 4! Bring back books by this Wednesday (9/17)

    COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

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