
Schedule for the Week of September 14-18

Language Arts:

Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities of Daily 5/Readers Workshop)

Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigorous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year.

  • Turn and Talk
    • introduction to this collaborative learning strategy
  • Sharing: When and How
    • explore the idea of when and how students may be asked to share about reading
  • Sharing: Responses to Questions
    • responses and questions when sharing with a partner and whole group
    • create a chart listing these responses and questions
  • “Just Right” Books
    • importance of choosing a “just right” book
    • explain difference between easy, “just right,” and challenging book
  • Taking Care of Books
    • reinforce the idea that books need special care
  • Managing Classroom Library
    • practice good library manners
    • introduce ways to keep classroom library neat
    • know where different types of books are stored and how to return them
  • Continue with read to self
      • Continue to build stamina (2-3 minutes of reading to self!)
      • Review expectations and practice (read the whole time, start right away, read quietly, find a comfy, quiet spot, ignore distractions, build stamina)
    • Journals/writers workshop: write/draw a basic entry every day, write as a whole group too
      • how do we choose what to write about?
      • why do we do them? (to become better writers and have fun!)
      • practice sharing/turn and talk

      • Unit 1: Understand Numbers 1-10
        • 1.3: Draw Scenes of 2
          • Objectives: develop the language to discuss numbers and number relationships, draw 2 objects, develop spatial concepts
          • Vocabulary: group, right, left
        • 1.4: More Scenes of 2
          • Objectives: identify and order numbers 1 through 5, count 1 through 5 objects, Identify numbers 1-5 from the number word
        • 1.5: Relate Shapes and Numbers Through 5
          • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1-5, Count 1-5 objects, Identify numbers 1-5 from the number word, Draw 3 objects
          • Vocabulary: hexagon, trapezoid
        • 1.6: Scenes of 2 and 3: Practice Visual Imagery
          • Objectives: Count and visualize two or three objects, Draw 1-5 objects, develop spacial concepts
          • Vocabulary: up, over, under, down, apart
        • 1.7: More Practice: Relate Objects and Numbers Through 5
          • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 5, Count 1 through 5 objects, Identify numbers 1 through 5 from a number word, Draw 1 through 5 objects
          • Vocabulary: hexagon, trapezoid, visualize, partners
      • Math Homework: (starts next week!)
        • Monday: 
        • Tuesday: 
        • Wednesday: 
        • Thursday: 
        • Friday: 


      • Discussing and exploring different types of trees in Minnesota
      • Identifying different parts of trees and learning about their function
      • Exploring the four seasons

      Social Studies:

      • Learning about how to make new friends
      • Learning and practicing being a great listener

      SPECIALS: (September 14-18)

      Monday: Music/Art (Day 5)
      Tuesday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6) - Picture Retake Day!
      Wednesday: Music/Art (Day 1)
      Thursday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)
      Friday:  Art/Music (Day 3)

      MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

      COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

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