
Schedule for the Week of September 21-25

September 21-25

Language Arts:

Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities of Daily 5/Readers Workshop)

Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigorous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year.

  • Book Talks
    • understand what happens during a book talk
    • create a class list of books to read
  • Abandoning Books
    • understand that sometimes we don’t make a good choice in our book selection
    • understand reasons why you may have to choose a different book
  • Introduction to Response Journals
    • introduction to reading response journal
    • explain where journals are stored, how to get them, how to put them away
    • model how to use a journal
  • Using Response Journals
    • model the use of a reading response journal
    • review where they are stored, how to get them, how to put them away
  • Review of Response Journals
    • review previous lessons
  • Continue with read to self
      • Continue to build stamina (3-5 minutes of reading to self!)
      • Review expectations and practice (read the whole time, start right away, read quietly, find a comfy, quiet spot, ignore distractions, build stamina)
      • why do we read to self? (to become better readers and to have fun!)
    • Journals/writers workshop: write/draw a basic entry every day, write as a whole group too
      • how do we choose what to write about?
      • why do we do them? (to become better writers and have fun!)
      • practice sharing/turn and talk
      • understand expectations of writers workshop (start write away, work quietly, stay in one spot, write the whole time, build writing stamina, share your work)
    • Unit 1: Understand Numbers 1-10
      • 1.8:  Scenes of 2, 3, and 4
        • Objectives: See how many objects without counting, Count from 1 through 10, write numerals 1 and 2, Differentiate between quantities of 1 and 2
        • Vocabulary: pair
      • 1.9: Introduction to Graphing
        • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 5, graph to compare two numbers, develop spatial concepts, count 1 through 5 objects, draw 1 through 5 objects
        • Vocabulary: graph, vertical, horizontal, taller, more, shorter, less, longer, before, after
      • 1.10: Scenes of 2,3,4, and 5
        • Objectives: Identify groups of 2 through 5 things, Identify objects that are alike/different
        • Vocabulary: same, alike, different, first, second, third
      • 1.11: Count from 1 to 10
        • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10, Count 1 through 10 objects, Identify numbers 1 through 10 from the number word, Graph to compare two numbers
        • Vocabulary: graph, vertical, horizontal, more, fewer
      • 1.12:  Same and Different
        • Objectives: Identify objects that are alike/different, make and compare circles and squares, understand differences between round and square and between small and large, count from 1 through 5
        • same, different, alike, circle, round, cylinder, cone, square, big, little
    • Math Homework: (will come home in green homework folders. Please return in green folders when finished)
      • Monday: 
      • Tuesday: 
      • Wednesday: 
      • Thursday: 1.11
      • Friday: 
    • Introducing tree journals
      • We will observe a specific tree and discuss/draw changes we notice in the fall
      • Discuss parts of a tree and their functions
      • Discuss things found in nature versus manmade 
      • Discuss living versus nonliving (find examples on nature walk)
    Social Studies:
    • Learning about how to make new friends, role playing how to ask friends to play
    • Learning and practicing being a great listener
    SPECIALS: (September 21-25)

    Monday: P.E./Media (Day 4)
    Tuesday:  Music/Art (Day 5)
    Wednesday: Media/P.E. (Day 6)
    Thursday: Music/Art (Day 1)
    Friday:  Media/P.E. (Day 2)

    MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

    COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

    • Wednesday, September 30 (10-12:30): Field Trip to Deardorff Apple Orchard
      • Any parents are welcome to meet us at the orchard, but please make sure you have completed a volunteer background check and have let me know as well
      • Every child will get to pick their own bag of apples!
      • Deardorff website: http://www.deardorfforchards.com/ 

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