
Schedule for the Week of Oct. 12-13

Language Arts:

Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities of Daily 5/Readers Workshop)

Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigorous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year

This is our last week of the rituals and routines portion of our language arts curriculum. Next week we will start our first unit, which will focus on centers in which students have choice in how they show understanding/mastery, sight word practice, rhyming, main idea, and letter sound, formation, and understanding. We will also be sending home some "home practice" for students next Friday.

  • Good Readers Use Pictures
    • Introduce students to how they can use pictures to better understand text
  • Good Readers ReRead
    • Use rereading as a strategy to understand text
  • Good Readers Use Chunks
    • Help students use words in words to figure out an unknown word
  • Good Readers Make Predictions
    • Practice looking at pictures in a book to predict what a book is about
  • Review of What Good Readers Do
Math: (Unit Test on Tuesday...will email home results)

Unit 1: 
  • 1.24: Make a Class Graph
    • Objectives: make and read a graph; identify shapes
    • graph, fewer, less
  • Math Homework: 
    • Monday: 1.23
    • Tuesday: 
    • Wednesday: NO SCHOOL
    • Thursday NO SCHOOL
    • Friday: NO SCHOOL

  • Math Challenge Homework: (optional)

    • Monday: 
    • Tuesday: 
    • Wednesday: NO SCHOOL
    • Thursday: NO SCHOOL
    • Friday: NO SCHOOL
  • Continuing to observe trees
    • We will observe a specific tree and discuss/draw changes we notice in the fall 
    • Continue to discuss parts of a tree and their functions
    • Continue to explore why leaves change color/why trees lose their leaves
    • Continue to explore habitats and the habitats we notice in nature

    SPECIALS: (October 12-13)

    Monday:  Musci/Art (Day 1)
    Tuesday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)  
    Wednesday: No School 
    Thursday:  No School
    Friday:  No School

    MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

    COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

    Other News:
    • If you haven't yet, sign up for fall conferences via family access. Call the office if you are unable to log on. 
    • Please leave your child's yellow homework folder in their backpack. We want them to get into the habit of checking it every day
    • Please send Friday folders back every week Book Order time! October book orders will be coming home in Friday folders. It is much easier and faster to order online, but feel free to send a check to school as well. The classroom code and link to the Scholastic website is below, and is always on the sidebar of the blog due. Orders are due by Thursday, October 22.

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