
Schedule for the Week of October 19-23

Language Arts:

Unit 1: Ask Questions/Identify Main Idea and Supporting Details

Week 1 Objectives (October 19-23)

  • Letter(s): straight lines and slanted lines in letters, brief introduction to Aa, Bb, Cc
  • Phonics: rhyming
  • Sight Words: if, in, it

  • Identify a stated main idea based on a picture
  • Identify details that support the main idea
  • Ask questions about a picture
  • Use academic sentence frames to discuss strategies (EX: the main idea is_______)
  • Use academic vocabulary to discuss strategies
  • Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers, clues, and evidence
  • Answer text-dependent main idea and supporting details questions
  • Reflect orally on strategy use
  • Create main idea/supporting details graphic organizer and write a paragraph (as a class) based on it

Writing/Concepts of Print (Journals)
  • Introduction of Journals
    • recognize book cover/title page
    • understand that words carry meaning and are comprised of letters
    • understand that words go from left to right
    • understand that words have spaces between them
    • retell information
    • share messages orally
    • develop genre awareness
    • draw and write daily journal entry using our sight words: if, in, it

Math: (Unit Test was postponed from last Tuesday to this coming Tuesday, Oct. 20th)

Unit 2 Math Letter
Unit 2 Pattern Letter
  • Unit 2: 
    • 2.1: Find Numbers 1-10: Neighborhood Scene
      • Objectives: find groups of 1 through 10; identify 5-groups
      • Vocabulary: 5-group
      • 2.2: Relate Objects and Numbers 6-10
        • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers
        • Vocabulary: 5-group, more, fewer
      • 2.3: Family Math Stories
        • Objectives: Establish links between math and the real world; identify groups of 6 through 10 objects
        • Vocabulary: how many, alike, different
      • 2.4: Coin Values and Numbers 6-10
        • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make numbers 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers
        • Vocabulary: nickel, penny, alike, different, Nickel Strip
      • 2.5: More Family Math Stories
        • Objectives: establish links between math and the real world, draw 6 objects, write the numeral 6
        • Vocabulary: straight, curved
    • Math Homework: 
      • Monday: 
      • Tuesday: Unit 1 Test
      • Wednesday: 2.2
      • Thursday: 2.3
      • Friday:  2.5
    • Continuing to observe and discuss trees 
      • Continue to discuss parts of a tree and their functions
      • Explore why leaves change color/why trees lose their leaves 
        • Reading nonfiction texts about fall/trees, taking notes together, and focusing on what we think are the crucial parts 
      • Comparing/contrast coniferous and deciduous trees
    Social Studies:
    • Continuing to talk about families
      • What is a family?
      • What makes families special?
      • Are all families the same?
    • Listening
      • What makes a good listener?
      • How do we become better listeners?

    SPECIALS: (October 19-23)

    Monday: Art/Music (Day 3)
    Tuesday:   P.E./Media (Day 4)
    Wednesday:  Music/Art (Day 5)
    Thursday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6)
    Friday:  Music/Art (Day 1)

    MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

    COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

    • If you haven't yet, sign up for fall conferences via family access. Call the office if you are unable to log on. 
    • This Friday I will be sending login information home about how to access Raz Kids and Dream Box at home. These are two very exciting and effective learning tools that students could benefit from using after school, and during weekends. In class, we typically will use each app 10-15 minutes at a time. 
    • Book Order time! October book orders came home last week. It is much easier and faster to order online. The classroom code and link to the Scholastic website is below. Orders are due by Thursday, October 22.
    • November 6th is Grandfriends Day! Please return your child's RSVP on if they will be having a Grandfriend attend that day. Thank you! 
    • ROLLERSKATING starts THIS MONDAY in P.E., please remember to have your child bring his/her helmet on designated P.E. days! Thank you!
    • OCTOBER 21st is UNITY DAY!Unity Day is Pacer's Bully Prevention Day and schools are encouraged to wear ORANGE on this day. Our character education class will focus on Bully Prevention - Stop, Walk & Talk! Plus, each class will head out to the sidewalks to write positive messages or pictures for each other to read as they enter the building.
    • Our Class Halloween Party is coming up on Fri. Oct. 30th. 1:30-2:15pm We have some fabulous parents planning it! Please remember to send your child's costume to school in a bag. Costumes will be put on after lunch/recess at school. Please do not send weapons or bloody/violent, scary costumes to school. Thank you! 

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