
Schedule for the Week of April 25-29

Language Arts

Unit 9: Make Connections and Identify Cause and Effect (Week 1)

  • Letter(s): Jj
  • Phonics:
    • Identify the sound /j/
    • Associate the letter Jj with the sound /j/
    • Listen for initial /j/
    • Substitute initial sounds
    • Blend CVC words
    • Spell CVC words using Jj and letters previously learned
  • Sight Words: this, she, saw

  • Identify cause and effect in pictures and text
  • Recognize signal language for cause and effect
  • Make connections to deepen understanding of the text
  • Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers, clues, and evidence

Writing/Concepts of Print

Informational Reports: Write an Informational Report

  • Use appropriate end punctuation
  • Put spaces between words
  • Use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly
  • Write some CVC words
  • Write high-frequency words
  • Demonstrate writer's voice
  • Listen for sounds in words
  • Reread from the beginning of a sentence
  • Draft, revise, or edit a report

Language Arts Home Practice Lesson 9.1 (Will come home on Friday, April 29 in Friday Folders.
  • A variety of emerging reader printable books:  Leveled Readers
  • Dream Box and Raz Kids can both be accessed at home
  • Practice sight words throughout the week: write and read them
Language Arts Centers:

Read to Self: Students read books from their personalized book boxes. Students can also choose from our classroom leveled library.

Team Center/Read With Others: The focus of this center is working together and making decisions together. Students start by reading two stories together on Raz Kids. They can then play a game, read a physical book together or to each other, or work on a puzzle together

Word Work: students choose from a variety of activities that focus on sight words, letter work, CVC words, and rhyming. New choices added every 1-2 weeks

Work on Writing/Science: Students work in their new "fish observation journal" to observe a variety of things regarding our pet fish. We make 1-2 observations a week. Some are done independently, some are done in groups, and some are done as a whole class. We will work on these into May and continue to discuss our observations as we go

Listen To Reading: Students listen to

Art: Paint, draw, use construction paper, or use iPad to create a "weather scene" with cause and effect in mind (rain in spring helps things grow)


Unit 5 (Consolidation of Concepts) and Unit 6 (Money, Time, Measurement, and Numbers)

  • 5.25: Shapes in a Robot Scene
    • Objectives: recognize and count geometric shapes; recognize symmetry and reflections
    • Vocabulary: reflection, flip, symmetry
  • 5.26: Practice: Use Mathematical Processess
    • Objectives: apply mathematical concepts and skills in meaningful contexts; reinforce the skills embedded in this unit with a variety of problem-solving situation
    • 6.1: Coins and Their Values
      • Objectives: identify pennies, nickels, and dimes, and their values; count different coin amounts
      • Vocabulary: dime, cent, penny, nickel
    • 6.2: Make Coin Collections
      • Objectives: count different coin amounts; identify a dollar and its value; identify a quarter and its value
      • Vocabulary: dollar, coin, quarter
    Math Practice (Optional Printouts): Challenge sheets are done for Unit 5
    • Continuing to observe signs of spring
      • creating graphic organizer regarding what we observe
    • Observing any changes in our "classroom tree"
    • Observing signs of wildlife, discussing habitats
    • Identifying things found in nature versus things that are human made
    • Observing fish, learning how different parts of a fish function (gills, fins), discussing habitats of a fish
    SPECIALS: (April 25-29)

    Monday:  P.E./Media (Day 4)
    Tuesday:   Music/Art (Day 5)
    Wednesday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6) - Library Check-out Day!
    Thursday: Music/Art (Day 1)
    Friday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)

    MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

    Field Trip!

    Mound Fire Department tour
    • Thursday, April 28 from 10-11am. 
    • We will be walking there (it's right across from Shirley Hills).

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