
Schedule for the Week of September 26-30

Language Arts:

Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities of Daily 5/Readers Workshop)

Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigorous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year

  • Reading Logs (we will talk about the idea/process/purpose more than anything....maybe in the spring we will actually try some)
    • explain what a reading log is
    • model where to store a reading log
    • model how to use a reading log
  • Introduction to Fiction and Nonfiction
    • understand the difference between fiction and nonfiction
  • Fiction Literary Elements: Character
    • identify characters in a fictional story
  • Fiction Literary Elements: Setting
    • identify the setting in a fictional story
  • Fiction Literary Elements: Problem/Solution
    • identify the problem and solution in a fictional story
  • Review of Literary Elements
    • review previous lessons

  • Continue with read to self
      • Continue to build stamina (3-6 minutes of reading to self!)
      • Review expectations and practice (read the whole time, start right away, read quietly, find a comfy, quiet spot, ignore distractions, build stamina)
      • why do we read to self? (to become better readers and to have fun!)
    • Journals/writers workshop: write/draw a basic entry every day, write as a whole group too
      • how do we choose what to write about? (retell a familiar story, think of a memory, etc...)
      • how do we respond to stories?
      • why do we do them? (to become better writers and have fun!)
      • practice sharing/turn and talk
      • understand expectations of writers workshop (start write away, work quietly, stay in one spot, write the whole time, build writing stamina, share your work)
    • Read Alouds: a lot of stories will be read to model and add rich discussion to the mini lessons mentioned above.
    • We will be focusing on Letters:
      • Kk
      • Ll
      • Mm
      • Nn
      • Oo

    • Unit 1: Understand Numbers 1-10
      • 1.13: Exploration of Shapes
        • Objectives: recognize shapes and identify them by name; write the numeral 3 and identify groups of 3
        • Vocabulary: triangle, rectangle, circle, square, corners, sides, length
      • 1.14: Objects and Numbers Through 10: Square-Inch Tiles
        • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count 1 through 10 objects; graph to compare two numbers; develop spatial concepts
        • Vocabulary: behind, in front of, next to
      • 1.15: Number of Objects in a Group
        • Objectives: Distinguish between different-sized groups; count and represent groups of 1 through 10
        • Vocabulary: group, 5-group
      • 1.16:  2- and 3-Dimensional Shapes: Circle and Ball (Sphere)
        • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count 1 through 10 objects; graph to compare two numbers; make and compare circles and squares; understand differences between round and square and between small and large
        • Vocabulary: circle, ball, sphere, cylinder, cone, square, round, small, large
      • 1.17: More Numbers of Objects in a Group
        • Objectives: Count 1 through 5 shapes, write numeral 4, identify groups of 4
        • Vocabulary: same, alike, different

      • Continuing to observe trees
        • We will observe a specific tree and discuss/draw changes we notice in the fall
        • Continue to discuss parts of a tree and their functions
        • Explore why leaves change color/why trees lose their leaves
        • Tree Breath Experiment: We will observe how much water a group of leaves on a tree "breaths out" during a day.
      • LEGO Engineering
        • We will start our first engineering project and discuss the Engineering Design Process and look at jobs that use this process.

      SPECIALS: (September 26-30)

      Monday:  Art/Music (Day 3)
      Tuesday:   P.E./Media (Day 4)
      Wednesday:  Music/Art (Day 5) - Return Library Books by today!
      Thursday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6)
      Friday:   Music/Art (Day 1)

      MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

      COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am


      Schedule for the Week of September 19-23

      Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities of Daily 5/Readers Workshop)

      Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigorous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year.

      • Book Talks
        • understand what happens during a book talk
        • create a class list of books to read
      • Abandoning Books
        • understand that sometimes we don’t make a good choice in our book selection
        • understand reasons why you may have to choose a different book
      • Introduction to Response Journals
        • introduction to reading response journal
        • explain where journals are stored, how to get them, how to put them away
        • model how to use a journal
      • Using Response Journals
        • model the use of a reading response journal
        • review where they are stored, how to get them, how to put them away
      • Review of Response Journals
        • review previous lessons
      • Continue with read to self
          • Continue to build stamina (3-5 minutes of reading to self!)
          • Review expectations and practice (read the whole time, start right away, read quietly, find a comfy, quiet spot, ignore distractions, build stamina)
          • why do we read to self? (to become better readers and to have fun!)
        • Journals/writers workshop: write/draw a basic entry every day, write as a whole group too
          • how do we choose what to write about?
          • why do we do them? (to become better writers and have fun!)
          • practice sharing/turn and talk
          • understand expectations of writers workshop (start write away, work quietly, stay in one spot, write the whole time, build writing stamina, share your work)
        • Unit 1: Understand Numbers 1-10
          • 1.8:  Scenes of 2, 3, and 4
            • Objectives: See how many objects without counting, Count from 1 through 10, write numerals 1 and 2, Differentiate between quantities of 1 and 2
            • Vocabulary: pair
          • 1.9: Introduction to Graphing
            • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 5, graph to compare two numbers, develop spatial concepts, count 1 through 5 objects, draw 1 through 5 objects
            • Vocabulary: graph, vertical, horizontal, taller, more, shorter, less, longer, before, after
          • 1.10: Scenes of 2,3,4, and 5
            • Objectives: Identify groups of 2 through 5 things, Identify objects that are alike/different
            • Vocabulary: same, alike, different, first, second, third
          • 1.11: Count from 1 to 10
            • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10, Count 1 through 10 objects, Identify numbers 1 through 10 from the number word, Graph to compare two numbers
            • Vocabulary: graph, vertical, horizontal, more, fewer
          • 1.12:  Same and Different
            • Objectives: Identify objects that are alike/different, make and compare circles and squares, understand differences between round and square and between small and large, count from 1 through 5
            • same, different, alike, circle, round, cylinder, cone, square, big, little
        • Introducing tree journals
          • We will observe a specific tree and discuss/draw changes we notice in the fall
          • Discuss parts of a tree and their functions
          • Discuss things found in nature versus manmade 
          • Discuss living versus nonliving (find examples on nature walk)
        Social Studies:
        • Learning about how to make new friends, role playing how to ask friends to play
        • Learning and practicing being a great listener
        SPECIALS: (September 19-23)

        Monday: P.E./Media (Day 4) - K Curriculum Morning - 8-8:45am
        Tuesday:  Music/Art (Day 5) - Please return your library books by today! - Class Picture Day too! 
        Wednesday: Media/P.E. (Day 6)
        Thursday: Music/Art (Day 1)
        Friday:  Media/P.E. (Day 2)

        MEDIA (Library): check out books every Day 6! 

        COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

        • Monday, September 19 (8-8:45) : Curriculum Morning
          • Curriculum morning is a chance for parents to gain a better understanding of the kindergarten schedule, along with the various curriculums that are used
          • Do not worry if you cannot attend, a lot of what we will be talking about was also covered in the Kindergarten Meet and Greet before the start of the school year. 
        • Tuesday, September 20: Class Picture Day


        Schedule for the Week of September 12-16

        Language Arts:

        Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities of Daily 5/Readers Workshop)

        Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigorous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year.

        • Turn and Talk
          • introduction to this collaborative learning strategy
        • Sharing: When and How
          • explore the idea of when and how students may be asked to share about reading
        • Sharing: Responses to Questions
          • responses and questions when sharing with a partner and whole group
          • create a chart listing these responses and questions
        • “Just Right” Books
          • importance of choosing a “just right” book
          • explain difference between easy, “just right,” and challenging book
        • Taking Care of Books
          • reinforce the idea that books need special care
        • Managing Classroom Library
          • practice good library manners
          • introduce ways to keep classroom library neat
          • know where different types of books are stored and how to return them
        • Continue with read to self
            • Continue to build stamina (2-3 minutes of reading to self!)
            • Review expectations and practice (read the whole time, start right away, read quietly, find a comfy, quiet spot, ignore distractions, build stamina)
          • Journals/writers workshop: write/draw a basic entry every day, write as a whole group too
            • how do we choose what to write about?
            • why do we do them? (to become better writers and have fun!)
            • practice sharing/turn and talk
          • Letter-A-Day:
            • Mon: Aa
            • Tues: Bb
            • Wed: Cc
            • Thurs: Dd
            • Fri: Ee

          • Unit 1: Understand Numbers 1-10
            • 1.3: Draw Scenes of 2
              • Objectives: develop the language to discuss numbers and number relationships, draw 2 objects, develop spatial concepts
              • Vocabulary: group, right, left
            • 1.4: More Scenes of 2
              • Objectives: identify and order numbers 1 through 5, count 1 through 5 objects, Identify numbers 1-5 from the number word
            • 1.5: Relate Shapes and Numbers Through 5
              • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1-5, Count 1-5 objects, Identify numbers 1-5 from the number word, Draw 3 objects
              • Vocabulary: hexagon, trapezoid
            • 1.6: Scenes of 2 and 3: Practice Visual Imagery
              • Objectives: Count and visualize two or three objects, Draw 1-5 objects, develop spacial concepts
              • Vocabulary: up, over, under, down, apart
            • 1.7: More Practice: Relate Objects and Numbers Through 5
              • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 5, Count 1 through 5 objects, Identify numbers 1 through 5 from a number word, Draw 1 through 5 objects
              • Vocabulary: hexagon, trapezoid, visualize, partners

          • Discussing and exploring different types of trees in Minnesota
          • Identifying different parts of trees and learning about their function
          • Exploring the four seasons

          Social Studies:
          • Learning about how to make new friends
          • Learning and practicing being a great listener

          SPECIALS: (September 12-16)

          Monday: Music/Art (Day 5)
          Tuesday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6) - Picture Retake Day!
          Wednesday: Music/Art (Day 1)
          Thursday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)
          Friday:  Art/Music (Day 3) - Field Trip to the Apple Orchard! (Dress for the weather!!)

          MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

          COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am


          Welcome Kindergarten Class of 2029! A Look at our first week of school.......


          I am so excited to for the 2016-2017 school year to get started!

          Language Arts:

          Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities)

          Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigourous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year.

          • Getting Ready for Whole-Group Instruction
            • transitions
            • where and how to sit
          • Good Listening Habits
            • practice appropriate noise levels
          • Concept of Reader’s Workshop
            • introduce clarify purpose of Reader’s Workshop
          • Rules for Reader’s Workshop
            • develop rules as a class
            • what a Reader’s Workshop looks like and sounds like
          • Introduce read to self
            • we will also work on starting to develop stamina (probably will start at 20-40 seconds) regarding picking out a book and enjoying it independently
            • develop expectations/practice
          • We will introduce journals and write/draw a basic entry Tuesday-Friday
            • what is a journal?
            • why do we do them? (to become better writers and have fun!)
          • Different ways to read a book
            • read pictures, read words, retell story

          • Unit 1: Understand Numbers 1-10
            • 1.1: Introduce Numbers and Counting Routines
              • Objectives: Discuss links between math and the real world; count objects in the classroom and in a counting book
              • Vocabulary: math, number, counting, Number Parade
            • 1.2: Relate Objects and Numbers Through 5
              • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 5; count 1 through 5 objects; identify numbers 1-5 from the number word
              • Vocabulary: square, circle, counting, one, two, three, four, five, arrangement, partners
          During the first week, we will also tour the school, tour and learn about our classroom, learn about morning meetings, learn about bus safety, learn how to be safe and have the most fun on the playground, practice using various classroom tools and supplies, practice walking through the lunch line, read wonderful stories, play and HAVE FUN!

          SPECIALS: (September 6-9)

          Monday: Labor Day!! No School
          Tuesday: Music/Art (Day 1) 
          Wednesday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)
          Thursday: Art/Music (Day 3)
          Friday:  P.E./Media (Day 4)

          MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

          COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

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