
Schedule for the Week of September 26-30

Language Arts:

Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities of Daily 5/Readers Workshop)

Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigorous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year

  • Reading Logs (we will talk about the idea/process/purpose more than anything....maybe in the spring we will actually try some)
    • explain what a reading log is
    • model where to store a reading log
    • model how to use a reading log
  • Introduction to Fiction and Nonfiction
    • understand the difference between fiction and nonfiction
  • Fiction Literary Elements: Character
    • identify characters in a fictional story
  • Fiction Literary Elements: Setting
    • identify the setting in a fictional story
  • Fiction Literary Elements: Problem/Solution
    • identify the problem and solution in a fictional story
  • Review of Literary Elements
    • review previous lessons

  • Continue with read to self
      • Continue to build stamina (3-6 minutes of reading to self!)
      • Review expectations and practice (read the whole time, start right away, read quietly, find a comfy, quiet spot, ignore distractions, build stamina)
      • why do we read to self? (to become better readers and to have fun!)
    • Journals/writers workshop: write/draw a basic entry every day, write as a whole group too
      • how do we choose what to write about? (retell a familiar story, think of a memory, etc...)
      • how do we respond to stories?
      • why do we do them? (to become better writers and have fun!)
      • practice sharing/turn and talk
      • understand expectations of writers workshop (start write away, work quietly, stay in one spot, write the whole time, build writing stamina, share your work)
    • Read Alouds: a lot of stories will be read to model and add rich discussion to the mini lessons mentioned above.
    • We will be focusing on Letters:
      • Kk
      • Ll
      • Mm
      • Nn
      • Oo

    • Unit 1: Understand Numbers 1-10
      • 1.13: Exploration of Shapes
        • Objectives: recognize shapes and identify them by name; write the numeral 3 and identify groups of 3
        • Vocabulary: triangle, rectangle, circle, square, corners, sides, length
      • 1.14: Objects and Numbers Through 10: Square-Inch Tiles
        • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count 1 through 10 objects; graph to compare two numbers; develop spatial concepts
        • Vocabulary: behind, in front of, next to
      • 1.15: Number of Objects in a Group
        • Objectives: Distinguish between different-sized groups; count and represent groups of 1 through 10
        • Vocabulary: group, 5-group
      • 1.16:  2- and 3-Dimensional Shapes: Circle and Ball (Sphere)
        • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count 1 through 10 objects; graph to compare two numbers; make and compare circles and squares; understand differences between round and square and between small and large
        • Vocabulary: circle, ball, sphere, cylinder, cone, square, round, small, large
      • 1.17: More Numbers of Objects in a Group
        • Objectives: Count 1 through 5 shapes, write numeral 4, identify groups of 4
        • Vocabulary: same, alike, different

      • Continuing to observe trees
        • We will observe a specific tree and discuss/draw changes we notice in the fall
        • Continue to discuss parts of a tree and their functions
        • Explore why leaves change color/why trees lose their leaves
        • Tree Breath Experiment: We will observe how much water a group of leaves on a tree "breaths out" during a day.
      • LEGO Engineering
        • We will start our first engineering project and discuss the Engineering Design Process and look at jobs that use this process.

      SPECIALS: (September 26-30)

      Monday:  Art/Music (Day 3)
      Tuesday:   P.E./Media (Day 4)
      Wednesday:  Music/Art (Day 5) - Return Library Books by today!
      Thursday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6)
      Friday:   Music/Art (Day 1)

      MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

      COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

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