
Welcome Kindergarten Class of 2029! A Look at our first week of school.......


I am so excited to for the 2016-2017 school year to get started!

Language Arts:

Mini-Lessons for the First 30 Days (Rituals, Routines, Responsibilities)

Mini-lessons are short (5-15 minutes) and laser-focused. These particular lessons are like stepping stones and will help us become ready to confidently dive into more vigourous reading and writing instruction. These will be revisited throughout the year.

  • Getting Ready for Whole-Group Instruction
    • transitions
    • where and how to sit
  • Good Listening Habits
    • practice appropriate noise levels
  • Concept of Reader’s Workshop
    • introduce clarify purpose of Reader’s Workshop
  • Rules for Reader’s Workshop
    • develop rules as a class
    • what a Reader’s Workshop looks like and sounds like
  • Introduce read to self
    • we will also work on starting to develop stamina (probably will start at 20-40 seconds) regarding picking out a book and enjoying it independently
    • develop expectations/practice
  • We will introduce journals and write/draw a basic entry Tuesday-Friday
    • what is a journal?
    • why do we do them? (to become better writers and have fun!)
  • Different ways to read a book
    • read pictures, read words, retell story

  • Unit 1: Understand Numbers 1-10
    • 1.1: Introduce Numbers and Counting Routines
      • Objectives: Discuss links between math and the real world; count objects in the classroom and in a counting book
      • Vocabulary: math, number, counting, Number Parade
    • 1.2: Relate Objects and Numbers Through 5
      • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 5; count 1 through 5 objects; identify numbers 1-5 from the number word
      • Vocabulary: square, circle, counting, one, two, three, four, five, arrangement, partners
During the first week, we will also tour the school, tour and learn about our classroom, learn about morning meetings, learn about bus safety, learn how to be safe and have the most fun on the playground, practice using various classroom tools and supplies, practice walking through the lunch line, read wonderful stories, play and HAVE FUN!

SPECIALS: (September 6-9)

Monday: Labor Day!! No School
Tuesday: Music/Art (Day 1) 
Wednesday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)
Thursday: Art/Music (Day 3)
Friday:  P.E./Media (Day 4)

MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

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