
Schedule for the Week of January 18-22

Language Arts: Unit 4: 
Summarize and Synthesize/Analyze Story Elements

  • Letter(s): Ff
  • Phonics:
    • Identify the sound /f/
    • Associate the letter Ff with the sound /f/
    • Blend CVC words
    • Listen for rhyming words
    • Blend sounds to read and write the words in the -am, -an, and -at family
  • Sight Words: a, has, about
  • Review concepts of print
  • Build academic and sight word vocabulary
  • Build fluency through choral-reading
  • Echo-read to build fluency
  • Build comprehension through retelling
  • Make voices rise at a question mark and fall at a period
  • Use effective inflection and intonation to make their reading sound like talking
  • Demonstrate active listening skills

Writing/Concepts of Print

Journals: Use Compound Subjects
  • Put spaces between words
  • Write from left to right
  • Begin a sentence with an uppercase letter
  • Write some high-frequency words
  • Use end punctuation correctly
  • Share a message orally
  • Discuss periods and exclamation points
  • Write some CVC words
  • Use descriptive words in discussion and writing

Language Arts Home Practice Lesson 4.3 (COMING SOON!) (Will come home on Thursday, January 21 in Friday Folders. We send home the practice sheets after we have worked on the content in class.)
  • PLEASE work on this with your child 2-3 times a week for at least 10 minutes. We need YOU as a partner in helping your child become fluent with letter recognition, sound, and sight words. Thanks!
  • Don't forget to utilize Raz Kids and Dream Box at home as well!
  • Check out these downloadable leveled readers Leveled Readers
Centers this week include:

Read to Self: . Students choose books from their personalized book boxes. Students read books based on their specific reading level, although some books are slightly above and some are slightly below. These books are updated every 1-2 weeks. Students also work in guided reading groups with Mrs. Koepp

iPad Read to Self/Read to Others: students use Raz Kids to listen to a story, read a story, and answer comprehensive questions about the story. Students can also read a story with their partner or on their own. After students read 1-2 stories, they will also have the option to work in Dream Box or Scratch Jr.

Word Work: students can choose to play roll a word, CVC word memory, CVC word puzzle, rhyme time, or a variety of other CVC/sight word based games.

Work on Writing: Students will work on writing the letter Ff and will circle their best work . When finished, students can work on creating pictures or taking pictures of things that start with Ff.

Listen To Reading: students will listen to (and follow along/track with their fingers) a reader's theater, which is like a small play. They will then take turns reading the various parts and work on reading like we talk.

Play-Doh Center: Students will create a character using play-doh.

Math: Unit 3 (Unit 3 Test on Thursday, January 21)
  • 3.22: More Attribute Card Activities
    • Objectives: sort by shape, size, and color; generate shape patterns; use equal and not equal to signs
    • Vocabulary: sort, equal to sign, is not equal to sign
  • 3.24: Shapes in a Garden Scene
    • Objectives: establish links between math and the real world; tell and solve addition and subtraction stories; identify and count shapes
    • Vocabulary: oval, trapezoid, rectangle, hexagon, circle, square, diamond, triangle
  • 3.25: Use Mathematical Processes
    • Objectives: apply mathematical concepts and skills in meaningful concepts
    • Vocabulary: 
  • Math Homework: 
    • Monday: 3.22
    • Tuesday: 3.24
      • Wednesday: 3.25
      • Thursday: 
      • Friday: NO SCHOOL
    Social Studies:
    • Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. 
      • Exploring his life, discussing what he did for this country and why he is important 
      • Exploring how MLK and others brought about change
      • Exploring fair/unfair and discrimination
    • Having Conversations in small groups and large groups
    • Maps (continued)
      • Finding the United States on a World Map
      • Finding Minnesota on a US map
      • Introduced to Continents/Oceans
      • Exploring Google Maps
    • Working on our 4th LEGO engineering project

    SPECIALS: (January 18-22)

    Monday: Art/Music (Day 3)
    Tuesday:  P.E./Media (Day 4)
    Wednesday:  Music/Art (Day 5)
    Thursday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6)
    Friday: No School!!

    MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

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