
Schedule for the Week of November 28- December 2

Unit 2: Visualize/Analyze Character - Week 3 Objectives 
·       Letter(s): Ff
·       Phonics:
o   Identify the sound /f/
o   Associate the letter Ff with the sound /f/
o   Blend CVC words
o   Listen for rhyming words
o   Blend sounds to read and write the words in the -am, -an, and -at family
·       Sight Words: are, said, I
·       Learn/review concepts about print
·       Build fluency through choral-reading
·       Build academic and sight word vocabulary
·       Participate in whole group and partner discussions
·       Echo-read to build fluency
·       Build vocabulary through shared writing and retelling stories
·       Practice reading a rhyme with short pauses
·       Use effective pausing to make their reading sound like talking

Writing/Concepts of Print (week 6)
Journals: Develop Concepts of Print
·       Put spaces between words
·       Write from left to right
·       Begin a sentence with an uppercase letter
·       Write some high-frequency words
·       Use end punctuation correctly
·       Share a message orally
·       Discuss periods and exclamation points
·       Develop genre awareness

Math - Unit 3

  • Numbers 1-10 and Math Stories: Park Scene - Objectives: establish links between math and the real world; find groups of 1 through 10 and identify partners; tell addition and subtraction stories. Vocabulary: subtract, add
  • Groups of 10 - Objectives: explore the concept of 10-groups within teen numbers; use pennies and dime strips to make teen numbers; order numbers 1-20. Vocabulary: teen; dime strip
  • Explore Partners Through 6 - Objectives: find partners of numbers 2 through 6; explore reversibility of addends and doubles. Vocabulary: switch the partners, doubles, 120 poster
  • Addition and Subtraction Stories: Park Scene - Objectives: establish links between math and the real world; tell addition and subtraction stories; solve story problems; count groups of shapes and write the total. Vocabulary: plus sign, minus sign, equals sign

  • More Groups of 10 - Objectives: use pennies and Dime Strips to make teen numbers; draw numbers 6 through 10 as 5-groups; show teen numbers as a group of ten and extra ones. Vocabulary: 10-group, teen numbers
    SPECIALS: (November 28 -December 2)

    Monday: P.E./Media  (Day 4)
    Tuesday: Music/Art  (Day 5)
    Wednesday: Media/P.E.  (Day 6)
    Thursday:  Music/Art (Day 1)
    Friday:  Media/P.E. (Day 2)

    MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

    Other News:
    • As the weather is changing, please make sure your child has warm gear to wear outside. We do go outside every day. 
    • Please send Friday folders back every week (preferably Monday or Tuesday) 


Schedule for the Week of November 21-23!


"food and the earth." - Kaia
"My family." - Connor
"My baby brother." - Greta
"ice cream." - Calvin
"my brother." - Nevaeh
"wild turkeys." - Wesley
"my brother." - Tyler
"apples."  - Rory
"My family." - Shea
"Geometry Dash." - Rowen
"The people that don't have anything." - Alayna
"My aunts" - Julia
"Me and my family are going to my grandpa's hotel." - Teddy
"For the animals." - Madeline
"For my great, great, great, great grandma. She was a Dutchess. She owned a kingdom." - Cole
"My family." - Skyler

Wow!! What an amazing group of kiddos! They are Thankful for so many wonderful things!! I am very, very lucky to be their teacher!!

Look at what we are focusing on the week:

Unit 2: Visualize/Analyze Character - Week 2 Objectives 
·       Letter(s): Ii (short Ii sound)
·       Phonics:
o   Identify the sound /i/
o   Associate the letter Ii with the sound /i/
o   Listen for medial sounds
o   Listen for rhyming words
o   Blend sounds to read and write the words in the -am, -an, and -at family
·       Sight Words: cannot, have
·       Learn/review concepts about print
·       Analyze characters after reading
·       Retell story events
·       Reread stories to build fluency
·       Understand stories have a beginning, middle, and end

Writing/Concepts of Print (week 5)
Journals: Develop Concepts of Print
·       Put spaces between words
·       Write from left to right
·       Begin a sentence with an uppercase letter
·       Write some high-frequency words
·       Use end punctuation correctly
·       Share a message orally
·       Discuss periods and exclamation points
·       Develop genre awareness



2.21: Numbers 1 through 10: the -1 pattern - Objectives: build concepts of 1-10; explore the -1 relationship between numbers - Vocabulary: subtraction sign

2.23: More Numbers 1 through 10: the -1 Pattern - Objectives: build concepts of numbers 1-10; explore the -1 relationship between numbers. Vocabulary: subtract, forward, backward

2.24: Shapes in a Train Scene - Objectives: identify and count shapes. Vocabulary: rectangle, triangle, shape, pattern

Unit 2 Test

Social Studies:
Discuss Thanksgiving and talk about what we are thankful for.  

    SPECIALS: (November 21 -23)

    Monday: Music/Art (Day 1)
    Tuesday: Media/P.E. (Day 2)
    Wednesday: Art/Music (Day 3)
    Thursday:  No School - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
    Friday:  No School

    MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

    Other News:
    • As the weather is changing, please make sure your child has warm gear to wear outside. We do go outside every day. 
    • Please send Friday folders back every week (preferably Monday or Tuesday) 


Schedule for the Week of November 14-18

Unit 2: 
Visualize/Analyze Character - Week 1 Objectives 
·       Letter(s): Nn
·       Phonics:
o   Review previously taught sounds
o   Identify the sound /n/
o   Associate the letter Nn with the sound /n/
o   Listen for initial sound /n/
o   Listen for rhyme

·       Sight Words: see, for, no
·       Analyze characters through their actions, words, thoughts, and feelings
·       Visualize to deepen understanding of characters
·       Learn strategies for analyzing, questions and finding answers, clues, and evidence
·       Identify and analyze character traits
·       Answer text-dependent character questions
·       Create a character map

Writing/Concepts of Print (week 4)
Journals: Develop Concepts of Print
·       Put spaces between words
·       Write from left to right
·       Begin a sentence with an uppercase letter
·       Use end punctuation correctly
·       Share a message orally
·       Write some high frequency words
·       Discuss periods and exclamation points


  • 1.14: 
    • Objects and Numbers Through 10: Square-Inch Tiles - Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count 1 through 10 objects; graph to compare two numbers; develop spatial concepts
  • 1.15: 
    • Number of Objects in a Group - Objectives: Distinguish between different-sized groups; count and represent groups of 1 through 10, Vocabulary: group, 5-group
  • 1.16:  
    • 2- and 3-Dimensional Shapes: Circle and Ball (Sphere) - Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count 1 through 10 objects; graph to compare two numbers; make and compare circles and squares; understand differences between round and square and between small and large, Vocabulary: circle, ball, sphere, cylinder, cone, square, round, small, large
  • 1.17:
    •  More Numbers of Objects in a Group - Objectives: Count 1 through 5 shapes, write numeral 4, identify groups of 4. Vocabulary: same, alike, different
  • 1.18: 
    • Objects and Numbers Through 10: Centimeter Cubes - Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1-10; count 1 through 10 objects; identify numbers 1 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; distinguish between different sized groups, Vocabulary: more, fewer 


We will continue to observe our classroom tree.  We will discuss the season and talk about the differences we see this Fall.

Social Studies:

The class will be continue working on Unit 2 - All about me. 

    SPECIALS: (November 14 -18)

    Monday:  Media/P.E. (Day 2)  
    Tuesday:    Art/Music (Day 3)
    Wednesday:  P.E./Media (Day 4)
    Thursday:  Music/ Art (Day 5)
    Friday:  Media/P.E. (Day 6)- Check-out day in Media!!

    MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

    COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

    Other News:
    • As the weather is changing, please make sure your child has warm gear to wear outside. We do go outside every day. 
    • Please send Friday folders back every week (preferably Monday or Tuesday) 


Schedule for the Week of November 7-11

Unit 1: Ask Questions/Identify Main Idea and Supporting Details - Week 3 Objectives (November 7-10)
·       Letter(s): Tt
·       Phonics:
o   Review the sounds of /m/, /a/, and /s/
o   Identify the sound /t/
o   Associate the letter Tt with the letter sound
o   Blend sounds to read the word am and at explore the -am and -at word family
o   Spell -am and -at words
·       Sight Words: of, with
·       Discuss the concept of families
·       Ask questions before reading
·       Build concepts about print (reader’s theater)
·       Build academic and sight word vocabulary (reader’s theater)
·       Build fluency through choral-reading (reading together)
·       Echo read to build fluency
·       Demonstrate fluency development through an oral reading interpretation of the script
·       Build oral language and vocabulary through whole-group and partner discussion and shared writing
·       Build comprehension through retelling
·       Practice reading a rhyme with varied speed and pacing
·       Utilize punctuation cues
·       Use effective pacing to make reading sound like talking
·       Demonstrate active listening skills
·       Reflect on and assess fluency development

Writing/Concepts of Print (Journals)
·       Journals: Writing A Complete Sentence
o   understand that words carry meaning and are comprised of letters
o   understand that words go from left to right
o   understand that words have spaces between them
o   share an oral message beginning with I
o   use a complete sentence
o   develop genre awareness
o   draw and write daily journal entry


  • 2.9: 
    • More Coin Values and Numbers 6-10 - Objectives: identify and order numbers 1-10; count out and make 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; write the numerals 1 through 5. Vocabulary: before, after, equal, not equal, more, fewer
  • 2.10: 
    • 2- and 3-Dimensional Shapes: Rectangles and Boxes - Objectives: write the numeral 7; draw 7 objects; visualize rectangles as sides of boxes; order numbers 1 through 10.  Vocabulary: before, after, slanted, rectangle, light, heavy, long, short, thick, thin
  • 2.11: 
    • Practice with 5-Groups - Objectives: identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 1 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; write the numerals 1 through 5. Vocabulary: before, after, equal, not equal, more, fewer, tiny, little, medium, giant
  • 2.12: 
    • Investigate Shapes in Our World - Objectives: Recognize shapes in real-world objects. Vocabulary: square, triangle, rectangle, circle, cone, cylinder, sphere, cube
  • 2.13: 
    • Explore Number Patterns - Objectives: establish links between math and the real world, write the numeral 8, draw 8 objects. Vocabulary: partners, zero, teens, tens, ones 


We will continue to observe our classroom tree.  We will discuss the season and talk about the differences we see this Fall.

Social Studies:

The class will be continue working on Unit 2 - All about me. 

  • Rollerskating continues this week in Gym!!!!!!  Please send in a helmet on rollerskating days.

    SPECIALS: (November 7 -11)

    Monday:    P.E./Media (Day 4)
    Tuesday:    Music/ Art (Day 5)
    Wednesday: Media/P.E. (Day 6)- Check-out day in Media!! 
    Thursday:  Music/Art (Day 1)
    Friday:   No School - Conferences

    MEDIA (Library): check out/return books every Day 6! 

    COMPUTER: Every Tuesday @ 10am

    Other News:
    • As the weather is changing, please make sure your child has warm gear to wear outside. We do go outside every day. 
    • Please send Friday folders back every week (preferably Monday or Tuesday) 

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