
Schedule for the Week of Nov. 25-29

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving week!!! This school year is going by so fast, I can't believe it is already time to celebrate Thanksgiving. One thing I know I am thankful for this year are all of my wonderful kindergarten students and their families! I appreciate all of the time and energy you put into our school and your children - it shows!!
I hope you are each able to rest, relax and reminisce about all of the things you are thankful for this holiday weekend.
For our three days at school, this is what we have planned:
  • We will continue to work on Reading Lesson 9 - homework came home Friday (Nov. 22), but is not due until Dec. 6th. 
  • We will be talking a lot about all of the things we are thankful for in our lives and work on a few Thanksgiving projects. 
  • In math, we are finishing up Unit 2 and will be taking the Unit 2 test after our long weekend. 
I hope this finds all of you doing well and getting ready to enjoy your long, nice weekend!

~ Mrs. Koepp

Reading: Lesson 9 (Working on this lesson through November 27, Lesson 9 homework not due until December 6)

  • Phonological Awareness: onset/rime blending
  • Word Building: -ap and -an words 
  • High-Frequency Word: he
  • Reviewing characters in a story and summarizing a story
  • Robust Vocabulary: proceed, announced, gasped, sly, imaginary, active, apparel, voyage, whimper, precisely, gigantic, glum, complained
  • Writing caption sentences
  • Working on word choice in our writing
  • Creating a Thanksgiving project using the ScreenChomp app on iPads (illustrating and recording what we are thankful for).
Kindergarten Readers! (We LOVE reading these!)

Lesson 9 Red : focuses on -ap and -an words
Lesson 9 Blue : sentences containg -ap and -an words, along with our new sight word (he).
Lesson 9 Greenif you're ready for the challenge, go for it!


Unit 2:
  • 2.20: Addition and Subtraction Stories: Family Experience
    • Objectives: establish links between math and the real world; write the numeral 10; draw 10 objects
    • Vocabulary: ten, ones
  • 2.21: Numbers 1 through 10: the -1 pattern
    • Objectives: build concepts of 1-10; explore the -1 relationship between numbers
    • Vocabulary: subtraction sign
  • 2.23: More Numbers 1 through 10: the -1 Pattern
    • Objectives: build concepts of numbers 1-10; explore the -1 relationship between numbers
    • Vocabulary: subtract, forward, backward
  • Math Homework: 
    • Monday: 
    • Tuesday: 2.21
    • Wednesday: 2.23
    • Thursday: NO SCHOOL
    • Friday: NO SCHOOL


Schedule for the Week of Nov. 18-22

We have a fun full week ahead of us before our shortened week before the Thanksgiving holiday. Here is a glance at what we will be working on! Let's have a wonderful week!

Reading: Lesson 9 (Continuing with this lesson next week too)

  • Phonological Awareness: onset/rime blending
  • Word Building: -ap and -an words 
  • High-Frequency Word: he
  • Reviewing characters in a story and summarizing a story
  • Robust Vocabulary: proceed, announced, gasped, sly, imaginary, active, apparel, voyage, whimper, precisely, gigantic, glum, complained
  • Writing caption sentences
  • Working on word choice in our writing
Kindergarten Readers! (we will also be working with these during centers)

Lesson 9 Red : focuses on -ap and -an words
Lesson 9 Blue : sentences containg -ap and -an words, along with our new sight word (he).
Lesson 9 Green: if you're ready for the challenge, go for it!

  • Unit 2: 
    • 2.15: Numbers 1 through 10 (continuing from last week)
      • Objectives:  identify and order numbers 1 through 10, count out and make t5 through 10 with 5-groups; identify and order numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; make repeating patterns
      • Vocabulary: equal, not equal, more, fewer, rotate, turn
    • 2.16: Addition and Subtraction Stories: Garden Scenario
      • Objectives: establish links between math and the real world; write the numeral 9, draw 9 objects
      • Vocabulary: in total, left, altogether
    • 2.17: Numbers 1 through 10: the +1 pattern
      • Objectives: build concepts of numbers 1 through 10; explore the +1 relationship between numbers; develop spatial concepts
      • Vocabulary: plus sign (+), equal sign (=)
    • 2.18: Find and Make New Patterns
      • Objectives: make repeating patterns; visualize rectangles as sides of boxes
      • Vocabulary: growing pattern
    • 2.19: More Numbers 1 Through 10: the +1 Pattern
      • Objectives: build concepts of numbers 1-10; explore the +1 relationship between numbers; develop spatial concepts
      • Vocabulary: up, down, left, right, out, apart, together, rectangle, circle
  • Math Homework: 
    • Monday: 
    • Tuesday: 
    • Wednesday: 2.17
    • Thursday: 
    • Friday: 2.19
  • Math Challenge Homework: (optional)
    • Monday: 
    • Tuesday: 2.16 challenge (this is the last challenge sheet for this unit)
    • Wednesday: 
    • Thursday: 
    • Friday: 


Schedule for the Week of Nov. 11-15

Parents! I had a wonderful time meeting with all of you! Thank you for your time and letting me tell you all about your amazing child and their accomplishments thus far. 
I hope you all have a nice long weekend. Here is what we have going on for next week! 

Reading: Lesson 8

  • Phonological Awareness: onset/rime blending
  • Letter: Dd
  • High-Frequency Word: like
  • Working on recognizing the beginning, middle, and end of a story
  • Robust Vocabulary: active, gigantic, voyage, gasped, glum, whimper
  • Writing caption sentences
  • Working on organizing our ideas in writing
  • Reading I Love School by Philemon Sturges and Sparky and Eddie: The First Day of School by Tony Johnston
  • Unit 2: 
    • 2.12: Investigate Shapes in Our World
      • Objectives: Recognize shapes in real-world objects
      • Vocabulary: square, triangle, rectangle, circle, cone, cylinder, sphere, cube
    • 2.13: Explore Number Patterns
      • Objectives: establish links between math and the real world, write the numeral 8, draw 8 objects
      • Vocabulary: partners, zero, teens, tens, ones
    • 2.14: More Repeating Patterns
      • Objectives: make repeating patterns, visualize rectangles as sides of boxes,
      • Vocabulary: rectangle, square, pattern
    • 2.15: Numbers 1 through 10
      • Objectives:  identify and order numbers 1 through 10, count out and make t5 through 10 with 5-groups; identify and order numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; make repeating patterns
      • Vocabulary: equal, not equal, more, fewer, rotate, turn


Schedule for the Week of Nov. 4-8

Hello! I am looking forward to meeting with you at your child's conference this week! Here is a look at what we will be working on in the classroom.....

Reading: Lesson 7

  • Phonological Awareness: review rhyme recognition and production
  • Phonics: word building
  • Reviewing High-Frequency Words: I, a, my, the, go, can, to
  • Introducing and identifying beginning, middle, and end in a story
  • Robust Vocabulary: sly, proceed, apparel, announced, imaginary, precisely
  • Continuing to work on recognizing and writing sentences
  • Continuing with centers: five centers containing an apple art project, a fall tree art project, number writing,  rhyming on the smart board, and a hand tracing/math activity. 
  • Reading The Little School Bus by Carol Roth and Jessica by Kevin Henkes
Reading Lesson 6 Homework

Math for the Week:
  • 2.9 - More Coin Values and Numbers 6-10
    • Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; write the numerals 1 through 5
    • Vocabulary: before, after, equal, not equal, more, fewer
  • 2.10 - 2- and 3-Dimensional Shapes: Rectangles and Boxes
    •  Objectives: Write the numeral 7; draw 7 Objects; visualize rectangles as sides of boxes; order numbers 1 through 10
    • Vocabulary: before, after, slanted, rectangle, light, heavy, long, short, thick, thin
  • 2.11 - Practive with 5-Groups
    •  Objectives: Identify and order numbers 1 through 10; count out and make 6 through 10 with 5-groups; identify numbers 1 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; write the numerals 1 through 5
    • Vocabulary: before, after, equal, not equal, more, fewer, tiny, little, medium, giant
        Math Homework:
    • Monday: 2.9 (link)
    • Tuesday:
    • Wednesday:
    • Thursday: 2.11 (link)
    • Friday: no school

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