
Schedule for the Week of Nov. 18-22

We have a fun full week ahead of us before our shortened week before the Thanksgiving holiday. Here is a glance at what we will be working on! Let's have a wonderful week!

Reading: Lesson 9 (Continuing with this lesson next week too)

  • Phonological Awareness: onset/rime blending
  • Word Building: -ap and -an words 
  • High-Frequency Word: he
  • Reviewing characters in a story and summarizing a story
  • Robust Vocabulary: proceed, announced, gasped, sly, imaginary, active, apparel, voyage, whimper, precisely, gigantic, glum, complained
  • Writing caption sentences
  • Working on word choice in our writing
Kindergarten Readers! (we will also be working with these during centers)

Lesson 9 Red : focuses on -ap and -an words
Lesson 9 Blue : sentences containg -ap and -an words, along with our new sight word (he).
Lesson 9 Green: if you're ready for the challenge, go for it!

  • Unit 2: 
    • 2.15: Numbers 1 through 10 (continuing from last week)
      • Objectives:  identify and order numbers 1 through 10, count out and make t5 through 10 with 5-groups; identify and order numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; make repeating patterns
      • Vocabulary: equal, not equal, more, fewer, rotate, turn
    • 2.16: Addition and Subtraction Stories: Garden Scenario
      • Objectives: establish links between math and the real world; write the numeral 9, draw 9 objects
      • Vocabulary: in total, left, altogether
    • 2.17: Numbers 1 through 10: the +1 pattern
      • Objectives: build concepts of numbers 1 through 10; explore the +1 relationship between numbers; develop spatial concepts
      • Vocabulary: plus sign (+), equal sign (=)
    • 2.18: Find and Make New Patterns
      • Objectives: make repeating patterns; visualize rectangles as sides of boxes
      • Vocabulary: growing pattern
    • 2.19: More Numbers 1 Through 10: the +1 Pattern
      • Objectives: build concepts of numbers 1-10; explore the +1 relationship between numbers; develop spatial concepts
      • Vocabulary: up, down, left, right, out, apart, together, rectangle, circle
  • Math Homework: 
    • Monday: 
    • Tuesday: 
    • Wednesday: 2.17
    • Thursday: 
    • Friday: 2.19
  • Math Challenge Homework: (optional)
    • Monday: 
    • Tuesday: 2.16 challenge (this is the last challenge sheet for this unit)
    • Wednesday: 
    • Thursday: 
    • Friday: 

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