I hope you all have a nice long weekend. Here is what we have going on for next week!
Reading: Lesson 8
- Phonological Awareness: onset/rime blending
- Letter: Dd
- High-Frequency Word: like
- Working on recognizing the beginning, middle, and end of a story
- Robust Vocabulary: active, gigantic, voyage, gasped, glum, whimper
- Writing caption sentences
- Working on organizing our ideas in writing
- Reading I Love School by Philemon Sturges and Sparky and Eddie: The First Day of School by Tony Johnston
- Unit 2:
- 2.12: Investigate Shapes in Our World
- Objectives: Recognize shapes in real-world objects
- Vocabulary: square, triangle, rectangle, circle, cone, cylinder, sphere, cube
- 2.13: Explore Number Patterns
- Objectives: establish links between math and the real world, write the numeral 8, draw 8 objects
- Vocabulary: partners, zero, teens, tens, ones
- 2.14: More Repeating Patterns
- Objectives: make repeating patterns, visualize rectangles as sides of boxes,
- Vocabulary: rectangle, square, pattern
- 2.15: Numbers 1 through 10
- Objectives: identify and order numbers 1 through 10, count out and make t5 through 10 with 5-groups; identify and order numbers 5 through 10 from the number word; graph to compare two numbers; make repeating patterns
- Vocabulary: equal, not equal, more, fewer, rotate, turn
- Math Homework:
- Math Challenge Homework: (optional)
- Monday: No School
- Tuesday: 2.12 challenge
- Wednesday: 2.13 challenge
- Thursday: 2.14 challenge
- Friday: 2.15 challenge