
Schedule for the Week of April 3-7

Welcome Back!! I hope you all had a wonderful break!!

SPECIALS: (April 3-7)

Monday: Media/P.E. (Day 6)
Tuesday:  Music/Art (Day 1)
Wednesday:  Media/P.E. (Day 2)
Thursday: Art/Music  (Day 3)
Friday:  P.E./Media  (Day 4) - Read-A-Thon!

MEDIA (Library): check out every Day 6/PLEASE return books every Day 5!

Unit 8: Determine Text Importance/Compare and Contrast 
·       Letter(s): Vv
·       Phonics:
o   Identify the sound /v/
o   Associate the letter Vv with the sound /v/
o   Listen for initial /v/
o   Listen for medial sounds
o   Blend CVC words
o   Spell CVC words using Vv and letters previously learned
·       Sight Words: review all
·       Identify comparisons and contrasts in photographs and text
·       Determine important text, such as compare and contrast signal words
·       Learn strategies for analyzing questions and finding answers and clues and evidence in a text
·       Create a Venn diagram and write a paragraph based on it (whole group).

Writing/Concepts of Print (week 24)
Informational Reports: Model Writing an Informational Report
·       Use appropriate end punctuation
·       Put spaces between words
·       Use uppercase and lowercase letters correctly
·       Write some CVC words
·       Write high-frequency words
·       Demonstrate writer's voice
·       Listen for sounds in words
·       Write a book review

We will continue to work on addition and subtraction in story-problems!

5.11: Tens in Teen Numbers: A Game - Objectives: solve addition and subtraction story problems; visualize teen numbers as a ten and extra ones; use the equal and not equal signs in comparing. Vocabulary: equal sign, not equal sign, equal, unequal

5.12: Tens in Teen Numbers Book - Objectives: visualize teen numbers as a ten and extra ones; find 10-partners, Vocabulary: teen numbers, extra ones

5.13: Partners of 10: Class Project - Objectives: relate 10-partner drawings to addition equations; find patterns in the partners of 10, Vocabulary: rectangle, pattern

5.14: Introduction to Counting and Grouping Routines - Objectives: count by ones from 100-120; count by fives to 50; extend repeating geometric patterns, including rotations, Vocabulary: one hundred, repeating pattern

5.15: Practice: Number and Body-in-Space Activities - Objectives: equalize groups by adding; find partners of 7,8, and 9; reinforce numbers and patterns with body movements, Vocabulary: more, less, equal, unequal, pattern

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